To Do Templates

Never forget the milk (or anything else) with our free To Do List Templates.

On this page, you will find 11 to do lists.

Simply download to your computer (69290 already!), and use Excel, Numbers, OpenOffice, or Google Sheets to edit, customize, or print.

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Things To Do List Template

Most people have many things to do. Our job is to help you get those things done - and done well - by giving you the tools to organize, manage, and prioritize your tasks. In this template, we offer 3 separate...

File Size: 29 KB Downloads: 12213 Rating: 5

Weekly To Do List Template

A week can fly by, leaving us wondering what we accomplished. Wonder no more - instead, glance back at your weekly To Do list to see your progress! To help you organize and prioritize your week, we offer...

File Size: 36 KB Downloads: 3927 Rating: 5

New Year Resolution Tracker

A New Year's resolution is defined as personal goals, projects, new habit being committed by people in anticipation of the New Year. A new year always being marked as a time to open a new chapter of everybody's...

File Size: 27 KB Downloads: 11468 Rating: 4.9

Simple To Do List

There are several to do list templates that you can find as part of my excel templates. For example in my daily planner template and gantt chart template. But, if you need a more simple and standalone...

File Size: 13 KB Downloads: 5259 Rating: 5

Daily To Do List Planner With Holidays

Checking tasks off your to-do list doesn’t just feel good - it feels great! The act of marking something “complete” can be motivating, which creates a positive feedback loop, resulting in ever more...

File Size: 21 KB Downloads: 3567 Rating: 4.5

Daily To Do List Template

To Do lists come in all shapes and sizes! Our To Do list template offers 3 more ways to stay productive. You can choose between a super-simple To Do list with a progress bar, a standard To Do list with...

File Size: 22 KB Downloads: 3663 Rating: 5

Family To Do List Weekly Template

Oftentimes, family members are anything but alike. Each family member has their own “unique” hairstyles, opinions, schedules, and sets of priorities. Therefore, depending on family size, accomplishing...

File Size: 43 KB Downloads: 3470 Rating: 5

Homework To Do List Template

Students often dislike thinking about homework assignments, especially, if the requirements are not clear due to poor record keeping. But homework doesn’t have to be frightening! A well organized list...

File Size: 18 KB Downloads: 3692 Rating: 5

Kids To Do List Template

For many of us, children are the #1 priority. And for many more of us, children still require a lot of work and time. Kidding! Of course children are the #1 priority of all parents! So we thought it would...

File Size: 87 KB Downloads: 5655 Rating: 5

Prioritized To Do List Template

When we hear someone say, “Work smarter, not harder,” we think, “Prioritization.” Sometimes we won’t be able to complete every single task, no matter how hard we work. But we can still be successful...

File Size: 31 KB Downloads: 5631 Rating: 5

Team To Do List Template with Progress Bar

Don’t worry, we didn’t write this article to hit you with team related clichés like “there’s no “I” in team.” Or, “Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships.” Or, “No one...

File Size: 67 KB Downloads: 10745 Rating: 4.8

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