Daily To Do List Planner With Holidays

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  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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Checking tasks off your to-do list doesn’t just feel good - it feels great! The act of marking something “complete” can be motivating, which creates a positive feedback loop, resulting in ever more consistent productivity. To help keep you in productive-mode, we offer a Daily To-Do List Planner, with a built-in calendar, which shows holidays and planned events.

Template Contents

Below is the list of worksheets included in this template.

To Do List Planner

A Calendar (with holidays and events) and To Do list in one worksheet. There are 3 types of lists in this worksheet - a regular To Do list, a Prioritized Task List, and another checklist to use as needed.


The Event worksheet contains a list of holidays and events that automatically appear on the calendar in the To Do List Planner worksheet.

Using the Template

Holidays and Events

You can populate the Event worksheet with up to 30 holidays and 30 events, which will automatically appear in the appropriate spot on the calendar in the To Do List Planner worksheet.

To add holidays and events, enter the date and the corresponding name of the holiday or event. Overwrite any existing examples by typing directly into cells containing information.

Example. Populate holidays and events in the Events worksheet.

Daily To Do List Planner Holidays

Example. Holidays and events as they appear on the To Do List Planner worksheet.

Daily To Do List Planner Holidays in planner

To Do List Planner

Name and Date

Add your name or a title to your to-do list planner. Type the new name directly into the cell containing “John Doe 1.” This is will overwrite it. At the start of each planning day, enter today’s date - this will cause event(s) to appear under “TODAY’S EVENT.”

Daily To Do List Planner Name and Date

If you prefer to write your To Do list by hand, the old-fashioned way, just print out the worksheet, which is already formatted to fit on one page.


No task can escape - there are 3 separate lists in the To Do List Planner, to ensure that each task is captured! The most important list is probably the Prioritized Task List, which is a prioritized to-do list. You can manage your list by setting priorities in alphabetical order, as shown below.

Daily To Do List Planner Lists

Tip: Check off your tasks by using the “Wingdings 2” font. Type in an uppercase “P” to form a checkmark in the boxes on the left.

The bulk of this worksheet is what the name implies - a big To Do list. Since there is a seperate priority list, use this list to keep other important tasks on your radar. Copy (Ctrl + C) and paste (Ctrl + V) the checkmark provided in the first row to mark items as “complete” (or use the “Wingdings 2” font tip above).

Daily To Do List Planner priority list

Finally, the “other” list is mostly a space filler, but it is a good place to list back-burner tasks, or tasks that other work-groups are on that you don’t want to forget. Keeping these things in front of you can be a good idea, since “out of sight is out of mind.”

Daily To Do List Planner back-burner tasks

Completed Tasks

If you’re tired of checkboxes and checkmarks, another way to mark items as “complete” is to simply cross them off using the “strikethrough” format. To cross off a completed or canceled task, right-click on the cell containing the task, select “Format Cell” from the pop up list, and check the “strikethrough” box under “Effects.”

Daily To Do List Planner complete tasks

New Lists and Historical Records

As the saying goes - “you can do anything, but you can’t do everything.” Carry over incomplete tasks to a new daily To Do list and planner. To duplicate the previous list and planner, right-click on the To Do List Planner worksheet and select “Move or Copy” from the pop up menu. Next, select “Create a copy” and click “OK.”

Daily To Do List Planner New Planner

Now, rename the worksheet tab with the appropriate date.

Finally, update the duplicated list with a new date and delete any completed tasks. This method allows you to maintain a history of previous To Do lists for reference.


Change Conditional Formatting

The holidays and events are currently formatted to appear on the calendar in light blue and dark blue, respectively.

Daily To Do List Planner blue color scheme

You can change the colors that appear on the calendar for holidays and events by modifying the conditional formatting in this file.

Example. Conditional formatting changed to show events in green and holidays in red.

Daily To Do List Planner red green color scheme

To change conditional formatting, go to the “Home” menu and select “Conditional Formatting.” Next, select “Manage Rules” from the dropdown menu.

Daily To Do List Planner Conditional Formatting

Go to the “Show formatting rules for:” dropdown menu and select the “To Do List Planner” worksheet. Next, scroll down, click on Match formulas, and select “Edit Rule.”

Daily To Do List Planner Show formatting rules

Finally, select “Format” to choose a new color for this “Rule.” Repeat these steps for the other Match formula rule.

Daily To Do List Planner format color

Change Color Scheme

You can modify the standard blue and white color scheme for this To Do list and planner. To change the background color, highlight all relevant cells and use the “Fill Color” tool to select a color. To change text color, repeat these steps and use the “Font Color” tool.

Example. Change standard color scheme to purple and white color scheme.

Change Color Scheme

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