Family To Do List Weekly Template

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  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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Oftentimes, family members are anything but alike. Each family member has their own “unique” hairstyles, opinions, schedules, and sets of priorities. Therefore, depending on family size, accomplishing things together can be quite a challenge. However, it can be less of a challenge when there is an organized approach. To help your group effort be as productive as possible, we offer 3 different (or should we say “unique”) Family To Do List templates. Each template contains family To Do lists in different formats. The To Do list worksheets within each template are designed to fit various family sizes and timelines.

Family Template Contents

Below is a list of family templates available, with descriptions of worksheets included in the templates.

Daily Family To Do List

A template file with 4 daily family To Do list worksheets. Each worksheet is made for 3, 4, 5, or 6 family members. A notes section is provided at the bottom of each To Do list worksheet.

Weekly Table Family To Do List

A template file with 2 family To Do list worksheets. The 1st To Do list worksheet is structured with a weekly timeline and allows you to assign a family member to tasks. The other To Do list worksheet is not structured with any timeline and allows you to categorize tasks and assign a family member to them.

Weekly Color Coded Family To Do List

A template file with 1 weekly (Monday - Sunday) family To Do list worksheet. Tasks can be assigned to a family member. Each family member has a different color code.

Using the Templates

Personalize It

People love putting their family name on everything - mailboxes, cozy wood signs, and doormats. It is only fitting to proudly add your family name to your household To Do list, too. Each template has designated cells where you can enter a personalized title and your family name, as shown below.

Example. 3 different personalized family To Do list templates.

Family To Do List personalized examples

If you prefer to stick the family To Do list on the refrigerator and pencil in your family’s tasks, go ahead and hit print. All To Do list worksheets are already formatted to fit on a single page.

Daily Family To Do List

The daily family To Do list is useful for keeping track of daily family tasks, making it easy to see who is doing what. You will feel a bit more inclined to get these tasks done because other family members are viewing this list too, and they’re counting on you. No pressure.

Select the worksheet that fits your family’s size (3, 4, 5, or 6) and list all participating family members at the top of each colorized section, as shown below. Start each day’s list by entering the day of the week and the date.

Family To Do List daily

Completed tasks can be marked off by entering an “X” into the box next to them.

The notes section at the bottom of the page might be useful for listing things that may impact tomorrow’s schedule and To Do list.

Family To Do List notes

Expand Daily Family To Do List

The maximum number of family members that can participate in this family To Do list is 6. But not to worry - these lists can be expanded to fit as many family members as necessary. To increase the number of participants, go to the “Family To Do 6” worksheet, scroll down to the bottom and copy the last 17 rows (before the notes section). Then, “Insert Copied Cells” above the notes section and add 3 more family member names. Now, you have space for 9 family participants! Repeat these steps to add more people.

Family To Do List add members

To see a how-to example, please take a look at this video:

Family To Do List add members how to

Weekly Family To Do List

When using the weekly family To Do list with dates, enter the week start date in the “Weekly Period” section. The “to” date is automatically calculated by adding 6 days to the start date.

Family To Do List week start date

Next, enter To Do tasks and assign a family member to each task by using the dropdown menu in the “Assignment” column. You may enter up to 10 family members in the “Name” column. If you add a new family member to the name list, they will automatically become an option in the dropdown menu in the “Assignment” column.

Family To Do List assign tasks

Enter a “v” or any other symbol (except “x”) to indicate which day a task has been completed during the week.

Tip: Get creative with color codes to indicate task status (Blue = Done, Yellow = Not Done, Red = Not Applicable). Note: “x” values are already formatted with an orange accent color in this worksheet.

When using the weekly family To Do list without dates, there is no week period, but you may enter weekly task frequency in the “Day” column. In addition, there is a “Category” column for grouping tasks. Otherwise, assigning a family member to tasks works the same way as in the other To Do list (with dates).

Family To Do List task frequency

Expand Weekly Family To Do List

This To Do list contains space for 100 tasks, so it is unlikely that you will want to add more (although, you can do so, by inserting more rows). But you might want to assign tasks to more than 10 people if you are part of a large family. To expand your family size, enter as many more names as needed in the “Name” column. Now, in order for the new names to be included in the dropdown list in the “Assignment” category, we need to edit the existing family list, which in this template, is titled “Person.”

To edit the list range, go to the “Formulas” menu and select “Name Manager.” Find the appropriate spreadsheet (e.g. “without dates”) and expand the list range at the bottom of the window (e.g. $H$9:$H$21 to include 3 more people). Finally, click on the green checkmark. The new names should now be included in the dropdown menu.

Family To Do List add task rows

Here is a short how-to video example:

Family To Do List add task rows how to

Weekly Color Coded Family To Do List

This weekly family To Do list has an easy-to-use format. The days of the week are already labeled on the side of each section. The only things left to do are to enter tasks and assign them to a family member.

Family To Do List color codes

Note: There is no designated week period section in this worksheet, but you can enter it anywhere you’d like.

To assign a family member to a task, use the dropdown list next to each task. Each family member is formatted with a different color. Finally, once a task is complete, enter an “X” into the box next to each task.

Family To Do List assign task

Expand Weekly Color Coded Family To Do List

This To Do list is formatted to fit 15 tasks for each day of the week. To increase the amount of tasks, copy (Ctrl + C) the last 4 columns (N - Q) and “Insert Copied Cells” into column S.

Family To Do List increase tasks

This action will add 5 more tasks to each day of the week. Repeat these steps to add more tasks.

To view a how-to example, please take a look at this short tutorial:

Family To Do List increase tasks how to

This To Do list allows you to assign 1 of 5 family members to a single task. But you can also include that long-lost cousin who recently moved back to the area. To expand the family list, enter the new name under the last family member in Column T (e.g. Cousin Shelly). Now, in order for Cousin Shelly to be included in the dropdown list next to each task, we need to edit the existing family list, which in this template, is titled “Family.”

To edit the list range, go to the “Formulas” menu and select “Name Manager.” Next, expand the list range at the bottom of the window (e.g. $T$5:$T$15). Finally, click on the green checkmark. Cousin Shelly should now be included in the dropdown menu.

Family To Do List more family members

Please see this how-to example for details:

Family To Do List add members how to

Completed Tasks

In addition to dropping an “X” into the box, there are a few other ways to mark off completed tasks. Below are some examples.

Example 1. Use “Wingdings 2” font type and enter an uppercase “P” to create a checkmark.

Family To Do List Wingdings complete tasks

Example 2. Use the “Strikethrough” format to cross off completed items. To cross off a completed or canceled task, right-click on the cell containing the task, select “Format Cell” from the pop up list, and check the “strikethrough” box under “Effects.”

Family To Do List Strikethrough complete tasks

Example 3. Create color codes to represent task status (e.g. Blue = Done, Yellow = Not Done).

Family To Do List color codes status

Freeze Panes

Most of the To Do list worksheets included in these family templates are quite lengthy and may require a bit of scrolling. To avoid losing your column headings as you scroll down, use the Freeze Panes option found on the “View” menu. Click into a cell under the row displaying column headings and select the first option under the “Freeze Panes” dropdown.

Note: You must be in either “Normal” or “Page Break Preview” view to freeze panes.

Here is how:

Family To Do List freeze panes how to

New Lists and Historical Records

When you are finished with a To Do list, you can roll it forward to the next day or week, while retaining your previous To Do lists. To duplicate a list worksheet, right-click on your preferred worksheet and select “Move or Copy” from the pop up menu. Next, select “Create a copy” and click “OK.”

Family To Do List new list

Rename new worksheets as needed.

Finally, delete any completed tasks or other information that you don’t want to carry over to a new list. Repeat the process to save another list.

Change Color Schemes

You can modify your family To Do lists with different background and text colors. To change the background color, highlight all relevant cells and use the “Fill Color” tool to select a color. To change text color, repeat these steps and use the “Font Color” tool.

Note: To add texture, select “Format Cells” from the “Home” menu and add a “Pattern Style.”

Format Cells


Example. The Johnson family lives in a cozy log cabin so they applied a rustic-orange color scheme to their weekly family To Do list.

Family To Do List rustic color scheme

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