Lisa Tanner
Grocery List Cost Estimator
How much should you spend on groceries? The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion frequently publishes information about the cost of food for the average American. Their reports include four different...
Grocery Price Comparison Spreadsheet
In the United States, the average household spends 12.8% of their income on food. And yet something like 16% of the food we buy gets thrown away. This means that most of us could save money on food in...
Medication Schedule
Over 60% of patients who take medication for a chronic condition forget to take their pills. And since medications don’t work if not taken as prescribed, that could pose a problem. Forgotten pills aren’t...
Paystub Excel Template
While all employees enjoy receiving their paycheck, the pay stub that accompanies the money is also essential. This Paystub Excel Template provides details of their pay from the pay period. And while pay...
Payment Schedule Template
Do you wish you had a simple way to track your monthly payments? Are you tired of forgetting about bills and incurring late fees and penalties? This payment schedule template in Excel will help you pay...
Printable Gradebook
Gradebooks are an essential part of record keeping and planning, and an invaluable tool for teachers. Used to track student performance, information from gradebook records can be used to generate report...
Employee Timesheet Template
Employers must keep accurate records of all employees who are non-exempt. In the United States, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) specifies the type of information employers are required to document....
Fundraising Goal Tracker
How much money are you trying to raise? What percentage of your full support are you at? Which month was your most profitable? When you are seeking to raise support, these questions can help you build...
Goal Chart Template
Big goals can be discouraging; focusing on the end result of a long project can make you feel that the goal is unachievable. Breaking a big goal into bite sizes, however, can help you more easily stay...
Blank Sign-In Sheet
A sign-in sheet can help you collect information from visitors or participants. By having a sign-in sheet on a clipboard available at the entrance to your event, you can easily gather the names, contact...