Study Templates

These templates save time, help you remember the key information, and add a professional touch. Our free study templates can help you plan your learning effectively and hit the ground running in no time.

This page hosts a collection of useful templates that can be applied across different areas of learning. Examples of spreadsheets and calculators you will find here include GPA calculator, multiplication charts, number charts, root charts, periodic tables of elements, and other printable materials that can be used at school.

We currently offer 6 templates but keep in mind these offerings are not static and will change in time, when we add more templates.

Simply picking the templates that suit your needs from examples below. Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apache OpenOffice, or iWork Numbers are the tools you will need to have to use these resources.

table of content

Multiplication Chart 1-100

Trying to help my son learning multiplication, I tried to find multiplication table in internet. I found some, but I think I need a flexible multiplication table where I can print according to my needs....

File Size: 60 KB Downloads: 10554 Rating: 4.2

GPA Calculator

Probably this template is one of the simple template where you can easily create by yourself. Even you can find the logic about that grade inside the excel help on using IF function. What is GPA itself...

File Size: 20 KB Downloads: 4462 Rating: 4.6

Roman Numerals Chart

A roman numeral is the name for a number when it is written in the way the Romans used to write numbers. Roman numerals are not used very often today in the west. They are used to write the names of kings...

File Size: 25 KB Downloads: 3580 Rating: 4.9

Square Root Chart

There are several definition of square root found when you googling. Basically, all the definitions  have the same meaning, and I pick one that is easier to understand, "The square root of a number is...

File Size: 111 KB Downloads: 2945 Rating: 4.9

Cumulative GPA Calculator

Keeping your GPA (grade point average) high is important. It’s more than a simple way for others to measure how well you performed in school. People who’ve never met you – such as employers and deans...

File Size: 240 KB Downloads: 5974 Rating: 5

Printable Periodic Table

As early as 1669, naturalists began to discover individual elements. By 1809, at least 47 were known, and by the mid-1800’s, naturalists were attempting to organize them. As early as 1869, Russian chemist...

File Size: 102 KB Downloads: 14842 Rating: 5

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