Rugby World Cup: Schedule, Scoresheet, and Office Pool
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Rugby World Cup Schedule and Scoresheet
This is a Rugby World Cup spreadsheet you can use to see its tournament schedule and use it as a scoresheet. It is equipped with formulas that will rank all participants in its Pool automatically based on rules specified in its tournament rule document. This is my first spreadsheet created specifically for Rugby. The layout is based on my Soccer World Cup spreadsheet. I modified excel formula inside to accommodate 5 team per Pool and add new rank columns to accommodate additional ranking method which based on Tries where you won't find it in soccer tournament. If you like soccer as well as rugby, and you already use my soccer spreadsheets, you won't have any problem on using this template.
2015 Rugby World Cup tournament is scheduled to commence on 18th September 2015 and it will be finished by 31st October 2015. It will be hosted by England. 20 teams/countries are participated in this tournament where they will be divided into 4 Pools. Each pool will have 5 teams that will compete each other in a single round robin to become the top 2 teams that will qualify for quarterfinals round as well as automatic tickets to 2019 Rugby World Cup tournament. The third team in each group will be eliminated but will get a ticket for the next 2019 Rugby World Cup tournament as well while the remaining two teams in 4th and 5th position will go home empty handed.
For each pool match, the following number of points will be awarded based on each match result :
- Win : 4 points
- Draw : 2 points
- Loss : 0 points
- 4 or more tries : 1 point
- Loss by 7 points or less : 1 point
At the completion of the Pool phase, the team will be ranked based on Points they earned. And if two or more teams are sharing similar points, one team will be ranked higher by following tie breaker rule :
- they won their head to head matches (two team), or have best overall points among them (three teams and more)
rule 2-5 are based on all Pool Matches
- they have best difference between Points Scored For (PF) and Points Scored Against (PA)
- they have best difference between Tries Scored For (TF) and Tries Scored Against (TA)
- they have best Points Scored For (PF)
- they have best Tries Scored For (TF)
Should the tie be unresolved at the conclusion of steps 1 through 5, the rankings as per the updated Official World Rugby World Rankings on October 12, 2015 will determine the higher ranked Team.
After all Pool matches are completed, all winners and runner ups will be met in quarterfinals with pairing matches as follows :
- QF 1 - Winner pool B v Runner up pool A
- QF 2 - Winner pool C v Runner up pool D
- QF 3 - Winner pool D v Runner up pool C
- QF 4 - Winner pool A v Runner up pool B
Semifinals matches will be arranged as follows :
- SF 1 - Winner QF1 v Winner QF2
- SF 2 - Winner QF3 v Winner QF4
Semifinals winners will meet in the Final to fight for RWC 2015 trophy while the losers will fight for 3rd place.
To use this 2015 Rugby World Cup Schedule and Scoresheet is simple. Just type the score in its score boxes as well as tries in tries boxes and let excel formulas do the rest.
Pool ranks will be adjusted based on rules explained above automatically every time you update the score. After the completion of its Pool matches, all quarter finalists will be placed in respective brackets automatically.
In knock out rounds, you can full time score results in score boxes next to team's names. Additional boxes will be revealed if full time results are not generating winners. Since there is only one additional score box, type the final score here to make the winner advance to the next round. Repeat this step until the end of the tournament and you will see the Champion as well as the 2nd and 3rd team revealed in Podium boxes at the bottom left of this scoresheet.
In This 2015 Rugby World Cup Schedule and Scoresheet, you can update the score, change date and time and modify its header name, just in case you want to match it with your own language and timezone since I didn't create language and timezone selection list. But, you can't edit team's/country's name since they are protected as well as other layout modification functions.
There are two models you can download below. The first one is a model with automatic Flag Adjustment function that will adjust flags based on team position in Pool Standing table and Knock Out Brackets. The second one is a version without those flag function, you will need this model if your excel version has problem with this function and make your excel runs slow.
If you want to modify its layout to meet your own business style, for example putting your own cafe's/restaurant's names, as well as learn or tweak its formula, you can purchase the fully editable one. But, remember to not distribute the editable one to other users without my permission or claim it as yours.
If you found any errors or I misinterpret some regulation, I will appreciate if you send me a message through contact form above so I can fix it before the tournament is begun.
There is also an office pool or a prediction game created specifically for this tournament - please see below.
Rugby World Cup Office Pool
This is a 2015 Rugby World Cup Office Pool template you can use to organize your world cup prediction game among your friends, colleagues and relatives. It is created specifically for this tournament and I made plenty of modification as well as added more game options compared with my previous soccer world cup office pool.
In this spreadsheet, you can choose either applying round-by-round or set-and-forget prediction game. Round-by-round prediction game is suitable for you who organize a small group of people and have time to follow every matches and give prediction based on real team matches, while set-and-forget prediction game is suitable for you who organize a large number of people who give prediction once and see their prediction results by the end of the tournament. The latter will make certain players can't continue until the final because their teams might be eliminated either in group or knock out stages which prevent them to get more points. Anyway, it is all up to you to choose the most suitable one. Because of this new scheme, each player prediction will be calculated separately to produce their prediction group winners and runner ups to be compared with real group winners and runner ups.
There are 5 working worksheets in this Office Pool spreadsheet
- Setup > Worksheet to set all of your Pool game parameter
- Player Scoreboard > Worksheet to place your player name and see their prediction summary based on their entry order
- Player Leaderboard > Worksheet to see your player standing
- All Players > Worksheet to put all of your players score prediction
- Tournament > Worksheet to update the real score after each match is completed
And there is one Score Prediction Sheet you can distribute to your players as a sheet to put their score prediction. You can print or send it by email to your players and you can collect them at your own time preference.
How To Use The Rugby World Cup Office Pool Template
You can follow instruction below to use this spreadsheet:
Setup Worksheet
Group Stages
> Define your point system and set player point for predicted match results in pool round matches. There are 4 available stages that you can reduce into 1 stage by set unused stages to 0 or same values.
Point System :
There is no specific rule, your players just type their prediction score in prediction score boxes
Player Points :
- 1. Point for correct match result (win-draw-loss) with correct score prediction (maximum point)
- 2. Point for correct match result (win-loss) with correct score difference prediction or correct draw prediction only
- You can set it as the second stage point
- You can similarize this second stage point with the other 3rd and 4th stage point to have 2 level point stage
- You can omit this stage as well as other remaining stages to only have one stage point system
- Point for correct match result (win-loss) prediction only and score difference margin is within certain value
- You can define certain margin for match score differences to give your player additional points or you can similarize or omit this by typing 0
- Point for correct match result (win-loss) prediction only
- You can set this 4th stage point or similarize with 2nd and 3rd stage points or just type 0 to abandon this stage
Bonus Points :
There is an optional bonus point system you can implement by giving points for correct Tries prediction or you can set it to 0 to abandon this bonus point system. If you set it to 0, your players are not required to fill Tries score prediction in All Players Prediction worksheet
Knock Out Round Matches
Define your point system and set player point for predicted match results in Knock Out round matches.
Point System :
- Set your Pool Prediction method by selecting Team in Knock Out round matches
- If you set "Based on Prediction Matches", all teams in knock out brackets will follow your pool standing prediction results. This selection is suitable for you who want to run "Set and Forget" type tournament where all players just give you one time prediction from the first until final match at once.
- If you set "Based on Real Matches", all teams in knock out brackets will follow real pool standing results. This selection is suitable for you who want to follow tournament matches one by one and predict the score based on team who played in knock out round. This selection will give your players the same start again in knock out rounds.
- Set matches period included in Point calculation
- If you set "Normal Time", only normal time score result included in point calculation. If your player predicted the match result is draw, additional winner box will be shown and you must type the winner based on real result to place the winner on the next bracket.
- If you set "Full Time", all score results will be included in point calculation
Player Points :
Player Points will follow the same structure with group stages points setup.
Bonus Points :
There are several bonus points can be awarded to your players based on scheme below :
- Group Winner and Runner Up correct prediction
- Group Winner correct prediction only
- Group Runner Up correct prediction only
- Qualified 2 teams (swapped group position)
- Qualified 1 team only (incorrect group position)
- Correct Knock Out Bracket Pairing Matches
You can apply different bonus point based on your own specific rule by typing directly in player bonus point boxes, but you have to clear all formula inside bonus point boxes so it won't add points by accident. But remember that you have to review match result and compare it with your player prediction and then put those bonus point manually in every player boxes. All points in those boxes will be included automatically in player scoreboard.
After you finished setting up your pool, you can start typing your player name in Player Scoreboard worksheet and typing score prediction in prediction score boxes in All Players worksheet. When you finished entering those scores, you can start your game by typing the real score in Tournament worksheet once respective Rugby World Cup 2015 match is completed. And you can start seeing your player position each time one match is completed in Player Leaderboard worksheet.
Let me know if you found any errors in this Rugby World Cup 2015 Office Pool by sending me a message so I will have time to fix it before the tournament is begun.
This spreadsheet below is a lite version. It is protected and it can accommodate until maximum 15 people. If you need to accommodate more than 15 people, you can purchase the Pro version that can accommodate until maximum 100 people. There are two version of Pro package you can purchase. The first one is editable on shown worksheets only where you can customize its layout and tweak the codes on all shown worksheets while the second one is fully editable where it will give you flexibility to customize and tweak anything inside including tweaking the tournament codes. You don't need to purchase the fully editable version of RWC 2015 Schedule and Scoresheet since it is embedded inside this Pool spreadsheet if you bought the full version. And because of those group standings calculation process needed for each players, your computers might take 2-5 seconds processing time to complete all the calculation, depends on the number of the players and your computer specification.
Hello, Will you be releasing a Rugby 2019 Office Pool?
Any update?
I am very impressed with your Rugby World Cup Spreadsheet. Just brilliant it is. But I do have a question.
Being an avid follower of Rugby on the local scene, have you produced a spreadsheet to cover any number of teams, but Not in various pools as per world cup.
For example, currently we have the Super Rugby Pacific in play which has 12 teams, playing home and away games, with the points system the same as for the world cup, 4 points for a win, 2 points for a draw, 0 points for loss, 1 for 4 or more tries, and 1 for loss by 7 or less points.
I am sure this would be applicable to other countries, and for those with a similar interest as I do.
I hope to hear from you in the near future.
Thank you in advance for any help or information you may provide.
I’m also interested in the 2019 version, many thanks in advance!
An Excel spreadsheet for World Rugby 2019 would be much appreciated, also for NHL 2019/20 season.
Had a reply from Admin on Wed July 24th 2019 stating “no plans on releasing it yet.”
I can’t get the Rugby World Cup 2019 spreadsheet to download. Tried with three browsers: Edge, Firefox and Chrome, but the download doesn’t start.
Is that me, or isn’t it available yet?
I’m also unable to download tried Edge; IE11 and chrome on Win10 and Chromium on Linux.
Shame it looks good.
pleease make spreadsheet for rugby union
12 teams
win = 4
draw = 0
loose = 0
4 tries = 1
loose with less than 7 = 1
It appears that no one is at home, listens, or responds, but I do agree with you Roy, with regards to a rugby union spreadsheet with home and away games with any number of teams, as opposed to the Rugby World Cup setup. For example, I down under is following two tournaments, one being the Super Rugby Pacific with 12 teams, and the soon to start the Bunnings NPC competition in NZ, with 14 teams.
Have a great day
As rugby union is now played in many countries, playing both home and away games, would love to see a spreadsheet, but for any number of teams, using the same points system as for the World Cup Spreadsheet. Then with the top eight teams play off in a quarter finals, top four in semi finals, with the top two playing off in the final.
This would be much appreciated.
Why is it that my comment/request keeps being removed. Some response would be nice, one way or the other.
Have4 a great day.