Soccer Tournament Creator

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  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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There are several requests within the last 4 months, since I released the Soccer League Creator template, about making the same kind of excel template but with tournament format. And I promised to those people that I will make it and try to release it by the beginning of this year. Up until the first ten days of this month, I haven’t started to make it, since I have been fully occupied with other projects. I have just started to create this Soccer Tournament Creator template on 11th January 2013 with the thought that it will take only a couple of days since I don’t have to create it from the scratch. What I have in mind, I just tried to make the Soccer League Creator template as the basic template, multiply and modify the worksheets to be used as group worksheets, add knock out phase worksheets from my Champions League and World Cup template and then finished.

Soccer Tournament Creator Template for Excel

But, it wasn’t that simple :). It took more than 10 days to finish it, it took only 3 days to complete all the formula integration but it needed more than 7 days to finish the lay out and some more days to solve minor errors that came up when simulating the tournament.

Creating the template is not the same with creating the spreadsheet for myself. If I tried to make a spreadsheet for my own purposes, I will make it as simple as I could to ease my work, or as complex as I can so probably only me who understand the spreadsheet. But, in this case, I have try to understand what majority people want to do with the template and of course I have to see what Microsoft Excel can provide to make it happened. And, I have to make it as simple as possible so most of the people who download this template can use it without sending me tons of questions and finally just keep it as an unused file because the difficulties on using it.

But, I believe that most of you have already used and familiar with my previous templates, and I think you won’t have any difficulties on using this new Soccer Tournament Creator template. There are still plenty of features that I would like to add in this spreadsheet (I make many versions, try to accommodate those features), but it just made the processing time became slower. So, I drop those nice-to-have features and I also stripped some features from Soccer League Creator off, like last 5 matches and team chart function.

So, here it is the Soccer Tournament Creator template. It can accommodate until 256 teams and 16 groups per tournament, and 16 teams per group. And you will have a flexibility to select the knock out round from round of 32 or select only final match as the only knock out round. With this flexibility, you can create a maximum 16 groups where each group can have 16 teams to fight for the place in round of 32 in knock out phase. And there is option to select whether the knock out round will be played in home/away format (like Champions League tournament) or just single match format (Like in World Cup or Euro Cup tournament). But, there is no automatic match function in knock out phases. You have to pairing the match by yourself, but you can set it up from the beginning, so when all group matches are finished, the qualified teams will be placed automatically in knock out brackets based on your own pre-knock out pairing setup.

You can follow the steps below to learn how to use the Soccer Tournament Creator template:

How to Use the Soccer Tournament Creator

Go to Setup worksheet

  1. Set your starting tournament date (Cell K11)
  2. Specify number of teams (Cell K13) – max 32 teams for Lite and max 256 groups for Pro version
  3. Specify number of groups (Cell K14) – max 4 groups for Lite and max 16 groups for Pro version
  4. Set Date of the First Matches on each Group (Cell K16 – Z16)
  5. Set Number of Teams per Group (Cell K17 – Z17) – Watch Cell N13 to see remaining teams which has not been allocated (it should give “0” value when you succesfully divided all teams in the groups) – max 8 teams for Lite and max 16 teams for Pro version
  6. Set number of teams that will qualify automatically from each group (Cell K19) – It has to be lower than the number of teams needed for the first round of knock out phase – Watch Cell K20 for the total number of qualified teams and Cell K21 for teams that you have to pick manually after all group matches are finished
  7. Specify your group matches competition style (Cell K22) – Home/Away Competition or Single Match Competition
  8. Set your group matches schedule period (Cell K23)
  9. Set your group matches points earned (Cell K25 – K30)
  10. Specify your group matches tie breaker regulation (Cell K31) – Only available in Pro version
  11. Specify the first round of the knock out phase (Cell K43) – It will related with the maximum number of teams that will qualify from group matches
  12. Specify whether there is a 3rd place match is contested (Cell K44)
  13. Specify your knock out matches regulation from the first round until final (Cell K45)
    You are finished in setup worksheet, now you can start to add and divided your teams, and also arrange knock out matches
  14. Write down all Teams name (Cell L13 – edit team name)

Step #14 will bring you to other worksheet – Team Setup Worksheet

  1. Write down all of your teams and their home stadium (Cell C8 – D264). There will be a guidance number at the left side of the table that will guide on writing the whole teams
  2. Divide teams into the group. Start with group A. (Cell H8)

Step no 16 step will bring you to other worksheet – Group Setup Worksheet

  1. Select the team in group A. Start from Cell C10 until all table filled with the team. There will be group allocation table guidance (Column L – N) to help you selecting teams which have not been allocated yet. Complete filling all groups by scrolling the bar to the right to move between groups(Cell G6)

Go to Setup worksheet again

  1. Arrange the knock out matches by clicking on “Edit pairing” link (Cell K48)

Step no 18 will bring you to other worksheet – Knock Out Regulation Worksheet

You can change your preference in this worksheet when during group matches or after all the group matches is finished.

  1. Start pairing knock out matches by selecting the teams in the table, from the first round until semifinal. There is the summary of group rank table at the left side of the worksheet that you can use for your reference on arranging the matches
  2. Put the date, time and venue of knock out matches. The cell number will be vary based on your Knock Out phase selection in Setup worksheet.

Setting up the preferences for your tournament is finished.

You can start filling the group matches score boxes in Group Matches worksheet. And when all group matches are finished, you can start to put the knock out match results in Knock Out Matches worksheet .

There is one worksheet where you can see the the whole group schedule sorted in date (not time) where you can also highlight particular group or team in that worksheet. And there is also an individual team information worksheet where you can see particular team schedule.

Even though I have thoroughly verified these templates, It could be you will find some minor errors which could affect the basic function of the template. You can send me feedback if you found one. You will need Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 with Windows system, or Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac system to make it running well.


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