Bowling Score Sheet
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- 18'038 Downloads
- 177 KB File Size
- January 4, 2022 Updated
- 33 Number of comments
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Last night, I spent the day by playing bowling. I scored 170, and that is the best score I have ever had till now. I played bowling just after I finished my bowling score sheet template, which I created because I couldn't find any representative bowling score sheet written in excel.
At the beginning, I thought it would take less than an hour to create the template. I put numbers to be processed by the excel formula. Like enter 10 instead of "X"... but, I realize that it is too simple. So, I decided to get all the input as closed as the bowling score panel usually displayed. And it took more than one day to finished all number and text formula, and it took another day to make sure that there is no broken rule. Probably there is still some bugs, you can tell me if you found one.
This spreadsheet will allow up until 8 players fill the score sheet. You have to put "x" or "X" for strike, and "/" for spare. The rest are numbers from 0 - 9, depends on how many pin falled. And there is a maximum score also to guide you on finding maximum points that can be achieved by the end of the game.
There is no password protection in this spreadsheet. You can unprotect this spreadsheet by using the unprotect menu.
Darcy ( )
Good job
I have downloaded the Bowling Score Sheet and was trying expand on what you have done. I want to be able to add more than 8 bowlers, I want to a teams, drop down list , etc. I have been able to play around quite a bit but I can not find where you have coded the number of bowlers. Is this something you can share or wanting to keep to yourself.
LC ( )
As you can see I left a message on Sept 23, 2012. I have finally downloaded the spreadsheet and it’s really what I’m looking for. One problem happens from time to time when we use it. We copy our score manually on a blank score sheet, when we get home or the next day we input our scores per frame. We noticed that when we enter the numbers per frame the calculations do not match the final score we show!! There may be an error in a formula some place. But I am not good enough at excel to find an/or correct it. Can you help? Like I said we really like the spreadsheet. Thanks LC.
LC ( )
I’m an Old School Bowler, but new to spreadsheets. How do I download your spreadsheet. My wife and I would love to use it.
Paul C. Beugeling ( )
Hi, is it possible for you to send me an ajusted formula for use in 5 pin and have it so that the following is true for all cells – H=5, S=8, A=11, C=13, L=13, R=13
I can adjust it to look like this…
but, I don’t know enough about formulas to do the
H=5, S=8, A=11, C=13, L=13, R=13 part.
jade ( )
I like this. However, there needs to be a way to indicate a split. With the cells locked, you can’t change the number color or background
Don ( )
I like this. However, there needs to be a way to indicate a split. With the cells locked, you can’t change the number color or background.
darro ( )
Hi, I like the template, I formatted the cells that contain the scores with this custom number:
Now when I enter the 0 it looks like a – so at least the score sheet appears like a regular bowling score sheet.
thad of detroit ( )
i was wondering if there is an actual equation to describe scoring bowling. i take it english is your second language and it pains me to think that youre this advanced and I am arguing with someone that the equation is linear…
and we’re talking about bowling for God’s sake.
it is just awesome that you are this into it.
some hints from a 200 bowler. if youre right handed aim for the left side of the three pin. when you drop your ball it slows it down, try to sliiiide it smoothly and reach out as if to shake hands with the headpin. this will ease a curve into your ball path and naturally drive the ball diagonally thru the pins instead of chopping them down negating pin action. the opposite is true for lefties. they go after the inside of the two pin. try to drive at the eight.
if i could get the equation ( algorithm?, formula?) on a tshirt it would kill the nerds in my engineering classes.
good luck and remember that bowling is a verb and doesnt need the playing behind it as in I went bowling, not I went to play bowling. whatever. youre awesome either way you say it…
Adam ( )
I love your template. I have been looking for something like that for a long time. There is only one problem that has not been said. When you get a strike, it puts the 10 in immediately. It should wait until the next two balls thrown unless the next two are strikes. If that happens, it should wait until you stop getting strikes. Also, I have Excel 2007 and I do not know how to get off the “/” problem said before. Can you help me?
Velma ( )
Love the spreadsheet. Thanks for your efforts.
kevin ( )
i know how to add a pull down but how do u get it to show only 1 or 2 player scores as set by the #?
R. Musadya ( )
Hi Larry,
You can go to menu > data > validation and you can see a list of number there. You can add the number. Or, the easiest way is just copy any blank cells and paste it into the cell. And you can fill any number without limitation.
Larry ( )
I saw your comment about turning it into an 11 player sheet. I have accomplished that, but how do I change your drop down menu so it lists 1 to 11 and allows me to select the appropriate number if more than 8 but less than the 11?
john kepoo ( )
hi there its me again haha and the last info was a big help but i got it to make 10 bowlers and i got it to copy to three sheets so i can make three games which is normal for a league but every time i think i got it all down something always screws up like now i got all the bowlers and the names but now its not automatically adding up the scores can you please help me. and could you also please help to understand how it is that all individual blocks i dont know what you call it cells or whatever how to make a block bigger with out making the block on top of that block bigger. sorry if im not making any sense but i dont know any other way to say what im saying. any info will be much appreciated
thanks john
R. Musadya ( )
Hi John,
You could copy the worksheet by right clicking the sheet tab at the bottom of the worksheet, choose ‘move or copy’ to pop up worksheet menu, tick ‘create a copy’ in the menu and click OK. Then you will have a copy of the worksheet with the same format. You can do this many times.
john kepoo ( )
hey i like the whole bowling formatting thing but i need help. at first i downloaded it and put in my info and it was great but when i came home from bowling yesterday i put in my info plus the rest of my team and my opponents info the spreadsheet wasnt working for me. i mean i tried copying it to another sheet at the bottom it didnt format the same way. first of all it wasnt a blank sheet it had all the regular excel lines for the individual borders and where the names and frames went was longer and just looked messed up can you please help me to make a bowling roster for each week any help will be appreciated thanks
R. Musadya ( )
Thanks for your input, Mark. I am already thinking about that data validation function. I am just still finding some spare time to look again and improve that spreadsheet.
Mark ( )
I’m currently relearning to bowl. I haven’t been in a league for 25 years. One of my hobbies is VBA programming, in particular I know the Excel Object structure pretty well. I really like your approach. It has given me some ideas for simplifying what I intend to do, why reinvent the wheel, right? Anyway, one suggestion I have to offer is the use of ‘Data Validation’. I have found that if this is used for each ball thrown, it will allow the “/” to be used without the cumbersome workaround that you noted from a previous comment. Hope that is helpful; as your approach has given me valuable insight.
Thanks again:
Jennifer ( )
This score sheet is brilliant!
R. Musadya ( )
Hi Ray,
To make it 11, follow these steps :
– unprotect the worksheet from menu (there is no password, just unprotect it)
– select row 39 – 43
– copy the selected rows
– select row 44 – 58
– paste the rows
– change the player title to 9, 10 and 11
That’s all. You get your 11 bowlers worksheet now.
Ray ( )
This is a great spreadsheet. I have been trying to do my own sheet for awhile and i found yours on an internet search. We enjoy bowling as a family so in your next version would you consider increasing the number of bowlers beyond 8 cause we have a family of 11 and would like to keep everyone on one page.
Thanks, you did a great job!!!!!!!
FHenkel ( )
Thank you for your time and effort on this project. This is exactly what I’m looking for as I’m starting a Wii Sports Bowling League. I have several couples that have a Wii at home and they email me their scores to input. I’ll pass this along to them to use also. Awesome work! Next I’m looking for a spreadsheet that will handle a small Wii League scoring…. A long way from Lotus 123 days!
John ( )
This is so great I have been trying to write one of these for so long now. Great job!!!!! I too have a request for your next version. In the green fields for the scoring how about a drop down list “1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-,(or 0),X,/”.
I also have a couple of spreadsheets that I created for Bowling sidepots and one for an NFL Playoff bracket pool if you would like to see it let me know I’d value your input.
R. Musadya ( )
Hi Kevin,
You can change the cell format from number into accounting format to get the “-” if you are entering 0. You should unprotect the sheet first. Btw, I will consider a possibility to directly input “-” for 0 in my next version.
R. Musadya ( )
Hi Mark,
I don’t know the rule and how to play cricket, perhaps you can try to do it by yourself based on my spreadsheets because there is no password protection in the sheet.
R. Musadya ( )
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your feedback. About the “/” and “\”, I forgot to change the “\” in the instruction sheet. The correct one is “/”. I will change it.
And about your difficulties in using “/”, it has nothing to do with the formula, it is an excel setting for shortcut key to access menu. You should change it into other key or just erase it. Go to Menu > Tools > Options > Transition and you will see on the ‘Setting pane’ the “/” as Microsoft Office Excel Menu Key where you should change or erase the “/”.
And about erase button, the possible way to do that is using macro, and as I mentioned before, I tried to avoid the macro function, because of its compatibility for different excel version.
Thanks and have a nice day.
Gary B ( )
i am having this same issue. i am not an expert in excel and trying to figure out how to make a spare work from office 365 excel
Kevin E. Chen ( )
How come you have to enter a 0 instead of a dash? Other than that, I like the scoresheet!
mark ( )
That is great man. Can you tell me how to do a formular for required rurate in one day cricket thanks
Robert Glazer ( )
First I’d like to say this is a great tool for those serious about their bowling in order to assist them in tracking their bowling scores for either league or tournament purposes.
I think I found a bug when it comes to entering a spare, I only look at this for 5 mins. so far.
Your instruction sheet mentions using “\” or “/” when entering a spare. It should be only “/” for a spare but your spreadsheet does not accept this on the initial input. If as an example I enter a “[” and then backspace it out is the only way I can get it to accept “/” for a spare.
There also should be a rest button to clear all data in order to use the spreadsheet over and over.
Caleb Stevens ( )
I gave your sheet a test run. It looks to work flawlessly from what I can see. Since you mentioned targeting the display generally used in bowling alleys (“So, I decided to get all the input as closed as the bowling score panel usually displayed.”), my recommendation would be replace “0” with “-” (hyphen). Generally, on a display in a bowling alley, a gutter ball or “rehitting pins” is displayed with a hyphen. Therefore, it is logical to use this character for input and output of a miss or gutter ball. Other than that, the sheet is excellent. It is a great score sheet for bowling and, in my particular case, Bowling Dice ( ). I do agree, however, with the suggestion of a button for clearing the players’ frames (probably aptly labelled “New Game,” “Next Game,” or something of the sort). That would be extremely useful, since clearing the sets individually is tedious (especially if you had all 8 players). Overall, though, your score sheet is extremely handy and beats my brief attempt at designing a sheet of my own prior to doing a Web search for them. You have done a great job on your bowling score sheet.
Sergio Tusen ( )
Hello Hello, For Basketball there is no Template to keep several events and track statistics.
Ruben ( )
Hello Sir, thank you for your work. I have used your template a lot but I’ve just found a bug. I hope you can solve it. In the 10th frame, the first ball is a strike (I put “x”), so I have two bonus balls. I throw the second ball and I get a zero (I put “0”). The third ball is another strike (I put “x”). Well, that “0” in the second cell doesn’t allow the sheet to compute the score. No score appears below in bold.
Could you please look into that?
I thank you in advance.