Badminton Tournament Bracket Template

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  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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Based on my printable tournament brackets, I made brackets for Badminton tournament. Different than the previous one which only put all the players only at the first round bracket, this badminton bracket is a complete automatic bracket where the excel function will calculate the winner based on player's score and reveal the winner to next bracket. You can continue to fill score at the next round until the champion is revealed. This kind of bracket will be useful if you manage a badminton tournament and have to release daily match results.

Badminton Tournament Bracket

This excel spreadsheet consist of one worksheet for setting up the brackets and 4 worksheets for tournament brackets. You can follow several steps as follows to activate your tournament bracket :

  1. Go to Setup worksheet and select the tournament type bracket or the maximum players eligible for the tournament. I select 32 for sample.
  2. Fill the players name in the Player Name column. I put many famous Badminton player where most of them are All England Champions. If you are playing Badminton, I think you know most of the name, like Lin Dan and Hanjian from China, Rudy Hartono, Liem Swie King, and Taufik Hidayat (this man hasn't win All England yet) from Indonesia, Morten Frost Hansen and Peter Gade Christensen from Denmark.
  3. There is a first round match table that follow a common rule. You can adjust this to suit your tournament policy.
  4. Go to the selected bracket (32 in my sample) and start filling the match results. You can put dummy scores to see how the formula works. I put a protection for all the brackets without password to protect cells above, below and next to box score to prevent the formula inside those cells deleted unintentionally. But, you can unprotect the sheet without password to learn the formula.

Badminton Tournament Setup

See the template in action :-), by downloading the file.

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