Men’s Olympic Football Schedule and Office Pool Spreadsheet
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- July 14, 2012 Updated
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While I was preparing the new excel template for European League Fixtures, there were some requests of providing the Men's Olympic Football Tournament 2012 Schedule which held in London, England. So, I learned the schedule and the tie-breaker regulation for that tournament, and the tournament has the same number of teams (16), almost the same group tie-breaker regulation, and has one match more, compare with Euro 2012 tournament. That one match is a match to fight for bronze medal, or third position of the tournament.
Based on those facts, I decided to create Men's Olympic Football 2012 Match Schedule and Scoresheet based on my Euro 2012 template. There are not much works I put on this spreadsheet. I have just changed the country names, the flag images, and adjusted some translations. I have added new boxes for group drawing lots, third position match and Olympic medal result. There is only one box I prepared for drawing lots with assumption that the possibility of getting the group rank decided by this method is rare. But, I will provide more boxes if it is needed, later. And based on some feedback on language translation, I provide custom language translation table where you can fill your own language.
As I mention before, I modified the group tie-breaker formula based on FIFA document on Olympic Football Tournament, chapter VII, article 25, clause 5. This tie-breaker will be used to reveal the first and second position of each group if there are more than one team are sharing the same position. I pasted the regulation below :
The ranking of the teams in each group shall be determined as follows:
- a) greatest number of points obtained in all group matches;
- b) goal difference in all group matches;
- c) greatest number of goals scored in all group matches
If two or more teams are equal on the basis of the above three criteria, their ranking shall be determined as follows: - d) greatest number of points obtained in all group matches between the teams concerned;
- e) goal difference resulting from all group matches between the teams concerned;
- f) greatest number of goals scored in all group matches between the teams concerned;
- g) drawing of lots by the FIFA Organising Committee.
You can follow the short guidance below to use this spreadsheet:
- Open the Excel file Worksheet
- Go into Schedule Worksheet Tab
- Change Timezone: Go to cell H4 and select your timezone preference
- Change Language: Go to cell H2 and select your language preference.
- Change to your own language: Go to Your Language worksheet Tab, and type your own translation on column C, based on English words in column B. The default words are in English language. You can type your translation title in cell C2, but remember to differentiate the title with existing translation to prevent any mixed up translations. For example, if Germany title translation is already available, you can type Germany2 or Deutsch as your translation title. Then, you can go back to Schedule worksheet tab, and select your custom language from dropdown box in cell H2.
- Fill the score - Group Matches: Type score results in blue boxes next to team's names. Once you typing the scores, the team rankings in all groups will be adjusted automatically.
- Re-rank the position after Drawing of Lots: When two or more teams are still sharing the same position after tie-breaker regulation a) - f) implemented, the drawing of lots box will be shown up below group standing table. And you can re-rank those team, by selecting the team who win the drawing of lots, on blue dropdown boxes.
- Fill the Score - Knockout Stages: Type score result in normal time boxes, extra time boxes and pinalty shoot out boxes. The final score will be revealed automatically if there is any difference in score results.
- Print The Schedule: Just go to the print menu and print it. All margins are already set up.
If all favorite teams in each group can top their groups and win their first knockout matches, it will be interested to see how Brazil, with Pato, Neymar and Ganso, duel with Great Britain which lead by Ryan Giggs, and how the Euro 2012 champion, Spain, try to cool Mexico off in the semifinals.
You can download the file below. Play with the score and send me feedback if you found any errors so I can fix it before the tournament begun.
Hi, great work, ant chance you can give a hint about how to attach the flags to a comparative novice. office 2013
Hey there… Thanks for all your spreadsheets.. Using them for a couple of years now…Any plans for the World Cup Qualifiers pleaseeeee…
Premiership too ????
Any sign of this seasons templates for the European leagues any time soon? Ligue 1 has already started
Another brilliant spreadsheet.. What about one for the RLWC2013 :o)
Thank you for your correction. I’ve checked and I found that I forgot to put exception codes inside dummy worksheet. It is fixed now. Let me know if you found other problem.
I loved your Euro template so I had to come back to see if you had an olympic one. Thanks so much.
I see the error in both versions (with or without flags) of the 2007/2010 file. I see a problem in all Groups if all games within the group are a draw, with different scores (i.e. T1 v T2 0-0, T3 v T4 2-2)
It looked like the error shown up in ‘without flag’ file. The ‘with flag’ file is working perfectly.
Thanks for the effort.
There is an error with Group B.
If any of the scores are a draw in Group B, the table states #N/A instead of the team name and it doesn’t update.
Please could you let us know when it is fixed.
I think there is a mistake on Grup B,
it should be Mexico, South Korea, Gabon and Switzerland, but u only put 2 nations which are Gabon and Switzerland..
hopefully u can fix it
Hi there Paul,
You did again man! You did a good job creating another amazing template. Is there any chance of you creating a pool tornament? kinda like what you did for the EURO 2012? Me and my friends had a great time playing against each other, going back and forth of who was in first place and who was last. It was fun! Are you making one for the Olimpics? and for the near future… for the EUFA Champions League?
Thank you in advance!
I have been using your brilliant speadsheets for a while.
I have downloaded the men’s olympic spread sheet, thankyou.
Is there any chance of the womens one as well, I realise this competition has a lot of differences and could take some time to create. I understand if you do not have the time.
With many thanks
Paul Uzzell
Will the Women’s Olympic Football tournament be available?
I would like to know if you have a table for Men’s Football Olympics Japan 2020?
Thank you!