Volunteer Sign-In Sheet
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- January 3, 2022 Updated
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Volunteers help get stuff done! Many events wouldn’t run as smoothly without volunteers. But, as a volunteer coordinator, it’s important to keep track of your volunteers and ensure you have a simple method to record their contact information. That way you can get in touch with them again.
A volunteer sign-in sheet is a streamlined way to collect this information.
Template Contents
This template contains five unique variations of a volunteer sign-in sheet.
The spreadsheets are all designed to fit on standard US letter sized paper, so they fit on a clipboard. To provide maximum space for your volunteers to record their information, these forms are all printed in landscape mode.
When you download this template, you will receive a:
- General Volunteer Sign-In Sheet
- Volunteer Sign-In Sheet with Details
- Simple Black and White Sign-In Sheet
- Court Volunteer Sign-In Sheet
- Event Volunteer Sign-In Sheet
Each of the templates can be customized to better meet the needs of your organization. You can change the:
- Header
- Column Headers
- Placeholder Text
- Font Color
- Font Style
For more details about each form, and to learn what specific customizations you can do to each, please see the sections below.
General Volunteer Sign-In Sheet
Do you want to recruit new volunteers? This version is perfect for collecting information for potential helpers. It asks people to record their:
- Name
- Contact Email
- Phone Number
- Area of Interest
- Availability
Next to the header, there is an image of many hands. You can replace this with an image of your choice by following the directions in this article:
Replace or Delete a Picture in Microsoft Excel
If you want to change the blue color of the header row, you can follow the directions in this article:
Add or change the background color of cells
There is a formula on this sheet to track how many people sign up. If you want to use this feature to track volunteers, you will need to complete the form digitally, on a computer or tablet. To streamline this process, you can have a staff member greet each volunteer upon arrival and input their information.
Having potential volunteers sign up with a member of your admin instead of on a printed form has some benefits. Typing will provide easy to read entries. The privacy of volunteers will also be protected, since each one will not be able to see who else has signed up, or their personal information.
As you enter the contact information for each new volunteer, the number in the upper right-hand corner will automatically change,l keeping track of how many people sign up to volunteer.
With this formula, you will want to delete the sample text in the first row. Otherwise your actual volunteer count will be off by one.
When you are finished inserting volunteer information, make sure you “Save As” so you don’t override your customized template with the used one. That way you can open your original file again and not have to recustomize it.
Volunteer Sign-In Sheet with Details
This sign-up sheet is similar to the General Volunteer Sign-In Sheet above, and can be customized using the same procedures.
However, this sign-up form asks for a little more information from each volunteer. In addition to asking for each volunteer’s name and contact information, the table collects the following details:
- Which job/tasks/activity they worked on,
- Their work location, and
- How many hours they volunteered.
This gives you a total of six columns for each volunteer.
Like the worksheet above, this one utilizes a simple formula to keep track of how many volunteers you had. Simply fill out a row and the number in the upper right-hand corner will go up by one each time.
Simple Black and White Sign-In Sheet
Are you looking for an easy to use, print-ready way to track people who show up to volunteer? This form is black and white, and has been streamlined to contain the maximum number of entries.
Underneath the header, there is a section to record the following details:
- Organization
- Event
- Location
The worksheet asks volunteers to record their:
- Name
- Phone
- Email address
- Date
- Job/Activity
Before printing this one, you can type in the details in the section underneath the header. Or you can opt to write these details in by hand.
Court Volunteer Sign-In Sheet
Are you looking for a way to track court required volunteer hours? This template is designed for a company or department to customize and make available to community service volunteers. You will need one sign-in sheet for each volunteer.
Since there is a formula, this form works best if used digitally. That means you will need to save a separate file for each court appointed volunteer. You can also easily track volunteer hours manually - simply delete all the placeholder content and formulas, and print the template out.
There is space at the top for your company logo. To insert your logo, please follow the directions in this post:
This form has specific directions for volunteers underneath the header. You will want to update this to reflect your company’s volunteer policies.
Underneath this policy section, you can fill in the name and contact information for an individual volunteer.
Each day upon arrival, you will have the volunteer record the:
- Date
- Site/Park Name
- Activity
- Start Time
After they’re finished for the day, you will have them add their:
- End Time
- Total Hours
There is a formula built into this form, to ensure accurate hour tracking. Once both start and end times are recorded, the Total Hours column will automatically populate how long they volunteered that day.
Once the times are in, the site lead can electronically sign the form. Then the file needs to be saved, so it’s ready to use the next time this volunteer arrives.
Event Volunteer Sign-In Sheet
Do you need a way to keep track of volunteers at an event? This worksheet allows you to collect names, contact information, and hours worked for a variety of volunteers.
Like the Court Volunteer Sign-In Sheet described above, this one has space for your company logo. You can follow the directions in the article linked in that section to replace the placeholder logo with your own.
Under the header and logo, there is space to customize the form with directions for your volunteers. Having procedures in writing can help your visual learners.
This form has a section to record details about the event. You can record the:
- Volunteer Group
- Event Lead Person
- Date
- Location
- Project
- Staff Person
How to Streamline the Volunteer Sign In Process
Once your form is customized, it’s ready to use. You can either print it out, or use it electronically in Excel.
To help streamline your volunteer sign-in process, you will need to teach your volunteers the procedure. When you get a new volunteer, take a couple of minutes to explain the sign in process and answer any questions.
Then, make sure you always have the volunteer sign-in sheet ready to go. Have it in a location near the entrance so volunteers don’t have to walk all over looking for it.
If you are using a printed version, keep it on a clipboard and make sure enough pens are nearby.
If you are using an electronic version, make sure volunteers know who they need to report to. Having one staff member in charge of this process can help ensure that unintentional changes to the form aren’t made.
After the event, you can use the sign-in sheet as a record to see who volunteered. This can be helpful when your next event rolls around, so you know who you can contact.