Weekly Class Schedule

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  • 317 KB File Size
  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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A weekly class schedule is the guiding light for your academic adventures. Schools will likely have some version of a weekly class schedule that you can use. However, the format will vary and may not always be easy to follow. To make your life easier we offer a comprehensive, yet simple, Weekly Class Schedule, with built-in holiday notifications, so that you won’t show up to an empty classroom.

Template Contents

Below are the worksheets included in this template.


A detailed, 7-day, weekly class schedule with space for up to 20 lessons each day. Each lesson has a title and a start and end time.

Lesson Schedule and Holidays

This worksheet drives the “Weekly” worksheet. This is where you set your lesson times and holiday schedule. Once this information is entered, it will then transferred over to the “Weekly” worksheet, in an easy-to-use weekly class schedule.

Using the Template

Set Your Schedule

To begin using your weekly class schedule, type in the “Start Date” in the “Weekly” tab. This action will automatically set the dates and days of the week for the current weekly class schedule.

weekly class schedule start date

Next, go to the “Lesson Schedule and Holidays” tab to set your class schedule, as well as add or make changes to holidays. In the “Lesson” column overwrite the existing class examples with actual names of classes that you’d be attending.

In this example, we entered common 1st year college courses with numbers, which specify class level and section.

weekly class schedule add classes

Next, enter the recurring days of the week, start times, and end times for all lessons. Below, you can see how the information entered above is automatically displayed on your weekly class schedule in the “Weekly” tab.

Note: For example, if Algebra 101 is held every Monday, then Monday is a “Recurring Day” for Algebra 101.

weekly class schedule recurring days

If it is disorienting to keep scrolling over to the right to see the rest of the week, simply use the left-right arrows, found next to the start date, to shift the schedule view to the day(s) that follow.

weekly class schedule use arrows

Fixed Date

Using a “Fixed Date” will ensure that a specific lesson appears on the weekly schedule, regardless of the “Recurring Day” setting.

For example, on the “Lesson Schedule and Holidays” tab, “Precalculus 109” runs every tuesday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm, but it has a “Fixed Date” of January 23rd.

weekly class schedule fixed dates

Therefore, “Precalculus 109” will also appear (at the same time slot) on the weekly class schedule on 1/23/2019, which is a Wednesday.

weekly class schedule fixed date example


The “Lesson Schedule and Holidays” worksheet contains a list of all holidays for the current year. The holidays on this list will appear on the weekly class schedule (“Weekly” tab) in red to notify students about upcoming holidays during the week.

If there are other holidays that you observe, which are not found on this list, you can manually add more holiday dates to the list. The newly added holidays will then be displayed on the weekly class schedule, along with all other holidays, when applicable.

For example, we added 5/4/2019 (“May The Fourth,” National Star Wars Day), to the list of holidays.

weekly class schedule setup holidays

Here it is on the weekly class schedule.

weekly class schedule holiday example


Change Color Scheme

If sky-blue doesn’t do it for you, there are plenty of other color options with which to decorate your weekly class schedule. To add or change color, highlight all relevant cells and use the “Fill Color” tool to change the background color. To change text color, repeat these steps and use the “Font Color” tool.

Example. A “whatever” gray schedule to go with a cool student attitude.

weekly class schedule color scheme example

Tip: Use the “Format Painter” tool to speed up the process by copying the color format for every other row.

To view a how-to example, please see this short video:

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