Car Rental Reservations

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  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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There are requests came to my email asking about possibility of creating reservation template for car rental in excel. That email came about two months ago and I promise to create it. It took more one week to finish the template, because I made not just a car rental reservations template but also hotel, apartment, sport courts and restaurant reservations template at the same time. And those are free.

But, these are only excel spreadsheets that you can use to ease you managing your reservation if you are managing  small or medium business scales. If you are managing big business scales, I suggest you to buy professional reservation softwares which might have more features than my spreadsheets.

Daily Car Rental Reservations

I made two different spreadsheet for car rental reservations which can be used for hourly car rental schemes or daily car rental schemes. And these two spreadsheets are created using different approach.

Daily Car Rental Reservations

Follow the guidance below to use this spreadsheet :

  1. Go to availability worksheet (you can enlarge the above picture) and put your car brand and number in the corresponding column. I put ten samples there. If you have more than ten cars, just continue the number and put your car information and the reservation column will be revealed automatically.
  2. Put your start date reference. This start date is used for the scroll bar as its scroll start date.
  3. There are two dates next to the Car Availability Period Table title to help you monitor the reservation window.
  4. All reservation information in that window will be differentiated by the color. The blue color means that the car is available on that date, red color means that the car is reserved, and yellow color means the car is double booked, so you have to adjust the reservation.
  5. Once you see that the car is available on customer requested date, go to Car Reservation worksheet to fill your car rental reservation information.

Car Rental Reservation

I put conditional formatting in this worksheet to notify you about the reservation date compare to today's date. The cell color will turn into grey if the reservation date is not valid anymore.

You can change or add new columns in this worksheet to suit your needs.

Hourly Car Rental Reservations

You can see the screenshot of hourly car rental reservations below to see the difference between daily and hourly spreadsheets.

Hourly Car Rental Reservation

The guidance on this spreadsheet is about the same with the daily car rental reservations except I add time parameter in availability worksheet. So, if you rent your car based on hour, you can use this spreadsheet to ease your business.

Feel free if you have any feedback on this spreadsheets.

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