Car Rental Reservations
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- January 4, 2022 Updated
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There are requests came to my email asking about possibility of creating reservation template for car rental in excel. That email came about two months ago and I promise to create it. It took more one week to finish the template, because I made not just a car rental reservations template but also hotel, apartment, sport courts and restaurant reservations template at the same time. And those are free.
But, these are only excel spreadsheets that you can use to ease you managing your reservation if you are managing small or medium business scales. If you are managing big business scales, I suggest you to buy professional reservation softwares which might have more features than my spreadsheets.
I made two different spreadsheet for car rental reservations which can be used for hourly car rental schemes or daily car rental schemes. And these two spreadsheets are created using different approach.
Daily Car Rental Reservations
Follow the guidance below to use this spreadsheet :
- Go to availability worksheet (you can enlarge the above picture) and put your car brand and number in the corresponding column. I put ten samples there. If you have more than ten cars, just continue the number and put your car information and the reservation column will be revealed automatically.
- Put your start date reference. This start date is used for the scroll bar as its scroll start date.
- There are two dates next to the Car Availability Period Table title to help you monitor the reservation window.
- All reservation information in that window will be differentiated by the color. The blue color means that the car is available on that date, red color means that the car is reserved, and yellow color means the car is double booked, so you have to adjust the reservation.
- Once you see that the car is available on customer requested date, go to Car Reservation worksheet to fill your car rental reservation information.
I put conditional formatting in this worksheet to notify you about the reservation date compare to today's date. The cell color will turn into grey if the reservation date is not valid anymore.
You can change or add new columns in this worksheet to suit your needs.
Hourly Car Rental Reservations
You can see the screenshot of hourly car rental reservations below to see the difference between daily and hourly spreadsheets.
The guidance on this spreadsheet is about the same with the daily car rental reservations except I add time parameter in availability worksheet. So, if you rent your car based on hour, you can use this spreadsheet to ease your business.
Feel free if you have any feedback on this spreadsheets.
Nijel ( )
I am trying to find a way to create a booking system that my customers can book our equipment on an hourly, 4hourly or all day basis. I have a boat and kayak rental business and have multiple various pieces of equipment. I also want to show availability if all the equipment is booked out. can you please help ?
Harry Williams ( )
Is there anyway where the name of the person who booked the resource can appear when you hover your cursor over the highlighted cells?
Also I want to add a third colour to the formatting of cells, for “provisional” bookings.
Please can you advise?
carlos kremmer ( )
Hi, can you explain me how can i fill the field for reservation for each color, i have excel 2011 but i can’t figure out how make works this excellent job.
kevin ( )
can you explain how the formula works and how it deconstructs please?
teddy ( )
how do i change names of cars and numbers?
Cameron ( )
The car rental reservations sheet is working great for us. It is easy to use and is saving us so much time. Is there a way to make an indication that a car is out to be serviced or repaired? I would like, for example, to see another color on the calendar if I make a reservation for the car to be in the repair shop.
Stephen ( )
Your excel solutions are quite amazing! However, I was looking for the Sports Courts model that you were mentioning at the top of his blog. I’m quite interested in getting a look at what you designed. Please let me know as soon as possible.
Stephan ( )
Hi, I need the rental lists, but unfortunately does not download it. Please send me the Excel file as an e-mail. The best car hire list for days and hours.
Many thanks from Germany
Irene ( )
Hi. I found your template very useful! I have modified it to be a reservation of classrooms. Meanwhile, I hope to modify it further to add the recurring Day to this spreedsheet (an idea from Weekly Class Schedule v1.0).
It will be great if I could send you the modified excel for further modification. Thanks.
Igor ( )
Thank you very much. You made my job a lot easier. Plus thanks for keeping this free, if I ever see you I will definitely buy you a beer:D!
aristid ( )
Hi there,
how can i manage overnight reservations?
thanks for your tool
Phil ( )
This sheet is very cool! – any way you could think of to say show who is resnting the car on that day in the display sheet to help locate it?
mIGUEL ( )
Hi There
How can i modified from weekly to monthly. I need to have a monthly car reservation with a weekly view
Samuel Henriques ( )
I have a travel agency, and i also have a special travel package. I whant to do an excel workshet to allow other travel agencies to use it for find the price for a specific date and number o persons. It must calculate the number of persons (adults and children), the incoming and outgiong date, that have extra days and prideference between low, mid, or high season, and those dates can be half in mid season, and half in high season, and also have extra days at an extra cost!!!
Can you hel me?????
nikki martins ( )
Hi i was wondering is there a way you can do one as we rent our cars weekly but so we no if theyve paid or not?
Kevin ( )
On the reservation tab, how can I add the sorting drop down so I can rearrange all the reservations in order by reservation date… As is, they are only in the order which you input them… Thanks
R. Musadya ( )
Just copy the last row and paste it below that row. The formula will be adjusted automatically.
Kelley ( )
I have the same question as BILY. Please help about how to add more rows!
BILY ( )
Thanks for the template it is realy useful! But I have a question. I see that there are only 35 raws, how can I add more, is there any simple way of doing it? I would appreciate your help!
aaron ( )
hola, necesito estas hojas excel pero no consigo ver el link de descarga serían tan amables de enviarmelas a mi correo por favor?
Grega ( )
Maybe I’m blind, but I can’t find the link to download the template :). Can somebody help? Thnx!
Carol Ashwood ( )
Hi, I am trying to edit the sheet but its not working. Does the reservation and availability synchronise? I have tried with one booking, have added my cars 1-11 but then add a reservation and then I am unable to change the car to Not available
Tony ( )
I wondering if you use excel for multiple users to book a car within a pool. However, if someone leaves the spreadsheet open and leaves the office the sheet is locked out for others to use. How can we get around that?