Travel Planner Template

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  • 11'060 Downloads
  • 199 KB File Size
  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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Finally ... home again. After spending one week in Hongkong and China, met with my offline business partners, finally I can straight my legs at home and hoping that all meeting there will give me good business results. And this is my second visit this year and I just saw that the world economic crisis didn't really affect this country. Or maybe I just saw from my business perspective.

If you have a plan to visit China and you don't know how to speak Chinese, you should be prepare anything carefully, since most of people in China doesn't speak English and they don't know how to read latin words. One spreadsheet that I used to remind me about situation in my travel destination beside my travel expense spreadsheet, is my travel planner spreadsheet.

Travel Planner

This spreadsheet is created based on my weekly planner spreadsheet. So, you can adjust your time activities references like in weekly planner. Unlike the weekly planner that have one week period, this travel planner has a flexible period that you can adjust with maximum of 14 days.

How To Use The Travel Planner Template

This travel planner consist of two worksheets with explanation as follows :

Setup Worksheet

You can set your planner layout here.

  • Time style: You can set whether you want to show the minutes or not in the planner. If you need a planner that only have hour, set the time style with “Don’t show minutes”.
  • Appointment schedule: This is the area where you can set your time planner. Just check (type “v”) in the column next to hour and minutes to show them in the planner. If you uncheck them, the hour or minutes will disappear from your planner. You can change the hour time also, I set the default with 7 o’clock, but you can change that hour into your desired start time, but don’t forget to change the hour below.
  • Maximum rows: This is your reference for the maximum rows that can be shown in the planner, where the remain rows cell will give you information regarding your remaining available rows that can be checked.
  • Holiday column: This is columns where you can put your holiday or additional holiday instead of the default ones. The name of holiday will appear in the planner if the date is inside your weekly period.

Travel Planner Setup

Planner worksheet

Before you fill or print this worksheet, make sure you fill the start date and end date in the two columns at the left corner. I put a conditional formatting in that worksheet where travel date columns will be created based on your start/end date information. And below the date, I put a big transportation and accommodation column, because these are the most important things that you have to remember when you are travelling. And at the left side, I put some sample not-to-forget information. I also attach one sample planner worksheet to ease you understanding my worksheet which you can erase if you don't need that worksheet anymore.

Feel free to modify based on your needs.

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