Salary Range Calculator

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  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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Salary range calculator is an excel template to calculate minimum, middle and maximum salary for any employee levels automatically. You can calculate it just by filling required parameters. And, you can select to generate those salaries using three different options.

Salary range is the range of salaries to pay employees for particular job or function. Companies use this range as references to keep paying their employees within pure market salary range. By keeping their range within market range, they could keep their employee turn over rate low since salary is the most common factor for employees to switch company.

Salary range generally has a minimum, middle and maximum pay rate. It should reflect employer needs such as the overlap in salary ranges to allow career development and pay increases with specific evaluation at each level.

Top level positions usually have the largest range while lower positions have the narrowest range. Determining salary range for particular companies depends on many factors. It is not just decided by market salary range. Region where the company located, needed skills and education and availability of the jobs also affect those salary range. Size of company and education level also will take into account. One company should have different salary range and structure from others.

If you are working in Human Resources Department in a well-established company, you might not need to define salary range since your company might have it already. You just need to follow it. But, if you are working in a new company, you might need to design your company salary structure and its range to help your company organizing their HR budget wisely.

This salary range spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel should help you designing your company's salary structures. The free version has 15 levels where you can set it using three different approach.

Salary Range Calculator Template

Model 1

Salary Range Calculator Template - Model 1

In the first model, you can set a minimum and maximum salary for each level. They can be overlapped as you can see in the samples.

Model 2

Salary Range Calculator Template - Model 2

The second model requires you to set midpoint salary and its range spread for the minimum and maximum salary for that particular level.

Model 3

Salary Range Calculator Template - Model 3

If you are more comfortable to work with percentage rather than absolute amount, you can use this model. It requires you to set midpoint differential and its range spread to get all numbers calculated automatically. But, do not forget to put the starting amount for the lowest grade employee at the Start column.

This salary range calculator template is protected. If you want to modify it, you need to upgrade it.

You might want to check salary slip template if you want to create a pay stub for your employees.

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