Employee Attendance Calendar

  • Version
  • 101'238 Downloads
  • 85 KB File Size
  • January 4, 2022 Updated
  • 91 Number of comments
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Perhaps this excel file is a combination between monthly and yearly attendance record where you can use some worksheets of this template as a printable monthly attendance forms and collect all monthly data to form employee attendance record for one year period.

employee attendance calendar overview

This excel file consist of one worksheet of one year attendance worksheet, 12 worksheets of monthly attendance, one worksheet of holiday and one worksheet of employee data. You can enlarge a picture one year attendance worksheet above to see it clearly. In this worksheet, all you have to do just fill the ID of the employee and your targeted year. And all the employee attendance information will reveal automatically. And to make sure that all information will be revealed correctly, you have to fill correctly the rest of the worksheets.

The first worksheet that you have to fill correctly is your employee data worksheet as you can see in the picture below. Try to follow my sample inside the worksheet to understand the purpose of its column.

employee attendance calendar employee data worksheet
The second worksheet that you have to adjust after finishing the employee data worksheet is the holidays worksheet, where the data will be used to calculate the number of working days in each month.

employee attendance calendar holidays worksheet

Now, you ready to use your monthly attendance record form where you can see your employee information, number of working days and holidays mark created in those worksheets. These monthly attendance records are based on 5 working days in each weeks, from Monday to Friday. If you needs a record for 6 working days, you can adjust the formula by yourself or you can wait the next version.

employee attendance calendar 6 working days

Based on comments and emails I received, there are many request on half day  and customize holidays feature. I have made the new version, V1.22, that can accommodate those requests.

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