Excel Temperature Converter

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  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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After a month of taking care my offline business and also took some weeks off and did my other hobbies that has no relation with excel, I am a little bit rusty to create new excel templates. So, I created some easy templates, and also I still have some templates that I have created before and have not been published due to my offline activities.

This is the template where the first time I created several years ago, I have to interpret the temperature conversion formula into the correct excel function combination. But, when I saw the list of excel function again, I find that excel already have that conversion function named "Convert". You can use this function not only for temperature conversion but also for other conversion, for example weight, distance, time and many other conversion that you can see in the excel help menu of this function.

Temperatur Converter

For temperature itself, excel provide conversion between Celcius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin, and you can see the implementation in my excel spreadsheet here.

Some short explanation regarding the temperature scale I found in internet is as follows :

Fahrenheit Scale - The Fahrenheit scale is the scale that is used when they report the weather on the news each night. It is probably the temperature scale that you are most familiar with, if you live in the United States.   The thermometers that you have in your house, for uses such as; swimming pools, cooking, bath tubs, or reading body temperature, are all likely to be in Fahrenheit. In Canada and most other countries, the news will report the temperature on the Celsius scale.

Celsius Scale - The Celsius scale, is commonly used for scientific work.  The thermometers that we use in our laboratory are marked with the Celsius scale.  The Celsius scale is also called the Centigrade scale because it was designed in such a way that there are 100 units or degrees between the freezing point and boiling point of water.  One of the limitations of the Celsius scale is that negative temperatures are very common.  Since we know that temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of molecules, this would almost suggest that it is possible to have less than zero energy.   This is why the Kelvin scale was necessary.

Kelvin Scale - The International System of Measurements (SI) uses the Kelvin scale for measuring temperature.  This scale makes more sense in light of the way that temperature is defined.  The Kelvin scale is based on the concept of absolute zero, the theoretical temperature at which molecules would have zero kinetic energy.  Absolute zero, which is about -273.15 oC, is set at zero on the Kelvin scale.  This means that there is no temperature lower than zero Kelvin, so there are no negative numbers on the Kelvin scale. For certain calculations, like the gas laws, which you will be learning soon, the Kelvin scale must be used.

And the conversion formula between each temperature scales are as follows :

Celsius to Kelvin            K = C + 273
Kelvin to Celsius            C = K - 273
Fahrenheit to Celsius     C = (F - 32) x 5/9
Celsius to Fahrenheit     F = (C x 9/5) + 32

I think enough for the explanation. You can download the file and learn how the excel function being used here.

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