Latitude Longitude Calculator

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  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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If you need a calculator to calculate the conversion of Latitude and Longitude from decimals to degrees, minutes, seconds and vice versa, you can use this simple tool created in excel. In the beginning, I tried to find the ready made function in excel, but I couldn't find it. So, I created the function using the LEFT, RIGHT and FIND function to separate the coordinates to ease the conversion process.

Latitude Longitude

To use this calculator is simple, just fill the coordinate you want to convert in input box and see the result in output box. The formula being used to convert is as follow :

Conversion from degrees, minutes, and seconds to decimal
Coordinate example : Latitude 21o33'24" S or 21 degrees, 33 minutes and 24 seconds with South direction
The formula : Decimal degrees = degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/3600
Applied formula : 21 + 33/60 + 24/3600
Result : 21.55667
Direction rule : South and West are negative, North and East are positive
Final result : -21.55667

Conversion from decimal to degrees, minutes, and seconds
Coordinate example : Latitude -21.55667
The formula :
Degree = D.ddddd (decimal degree) - 0.ddddd
Minutes =  M.mmmmm (0.ddddd x 60) - 0.mmmmm
Seconds = 0.mmmmm x 60
Applied formula :
Degree = 21.55667 - 0.55667 = 21
Minutes = 0.55667 x 60 = 33.40020 - 0.40020 = 33
Seconds = 0.40020 x 60 = 24.01200
Result : 21o33'24.012" and you can round up the seconds into two digits only
Direction rule : South and West are negative, North and East are positive
Final result : 21o33'24" S

You can learn about applying the excel function to interpret those formulas above in the worksheet. And you can download the file here.

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