Monthly Event Calendar

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  • 149 KB File Size
  • January 3, 2022 Updated
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Following the soccer fixtures and excel calendar I made, I got another idea about putting my favourite teams fixtures in calendar, and try to make it automatic, so I can changed the date, the team or add the new date or team easily or even combine the soccer league fixtures, the champions league fixtures and Formula 1 schedules.  That is the first idea, because there are still many ideas that can be implemented in this event calendar.

I have divided this excel spreadsheet into three different layouts. And the first one is one monthly layout. I add the capability to change not just the month but also the year, so you can use this every year.

Monthly Layout

Monthly Event Calendar

The guidance for using this spreadsheet are as follows :

  1. This is the one month event calendar where you can only see the event only for the month and the year that you fill on the corresponding cells.
  2. Enter the date and the corresponding event in the blue cells at the left side. You can fill one by one or just copy the date and event from other sources. You don’t have to fill it in order, as you see in the sample data in the spreadsheets, I put the fixtures of AC Milan from Italian Serie A fixtures and followed by the fixtures from Barcelona. You can put the champions league event or Formula 1 or MotoGP or your lover birthday after that. The formula inside the calendar cell will find the corresponding event automatically.
  3. I limit that only 3 (three) events can be shown in the corresponding date, so if there is more than 3 events at the same date, only the top three events in the event columns will be shown.
  4. You can change the lay out, the colour or change the cell format, but please be careful with the formula, especially the formula that return error result, since I have to cover it using white colour. I protect this sheet without password, so you can just unprotect this sheet from the excel menu.
  5. Finally, if you make some changes in this excel spreadsheet or rename to other name, I would be pleased if you keep my link available in the spreadsheet.

Openoffice version is included for this template.

Three Months Layout

Three-Monthly Event Calendar: I am including a three-monthly version where you can see your events marked in three-month calendar layout in one worksheet.

Six Months Layout

Six-Monthly Event Calendar: This one has 6 months in each worksheet.

Mini Month Table Layout

This is another calendar I made, based on my perpetual monthly event calendar, where I put additional two mini layout month next to the main month. I put also a condition where the cell format of corresponding dates in those 2 months will be changed based on related events. I don’t know whether this will be more useful or not. But, I thought this is good as an accessories.

Excel Calendar

OpenOffice version is included for this one.

Six Event Rows Layout

This calendar can accommodate until 6 to-do list or events at the same dates. And you still can put additional one holiday or one important event on top of the row. And there are additional columns where you can put your time consideration of those events or you can leave it blanks.

Monthly Calendar

There are two worksheets that are shown in this spreadsheet, the first one is “todo-holiday-event” worksheet. And you can start to use it as your 2010 monthly calendar by setting the month and the year in the first rows of this worksheet to January 2010. You change it according to your preference. After that, you can put your to-do list in to-do list column. You can use  this list as your reminder list also. For example, you can put your favorite movies schedule, your concert show, your favorite sport teams schedule etc. And you don’t have to type it in sequence, because the excel formula will display and order it automatically in the calendar. So, you can add it anytime without thinking of ordering the dates.

The second column is a holiday column. There are US holidays time that I put as a default. You can change it based on your country national holiday, or your own private holiday. The description of the holiday will be displayed next to the date of the calendar and the row of that date will turn into red.

Monthly Calendar Setup

The third column is an important event column. In case you want to separate your important event with your to-do list, like your birthday or your beloved one birthday, you can put it in here where the event will be displayed differently in the calendar. It will be displayed next to the date of the calendar with blue color. It will share the place with the holiday information. So, if the important event and holiday are happened at the same date, the important event will become priority to be displayed.

The second worksheet is a calendar worksheet where you can see your customize calendar before you print it. There is a slider tool on top of the calendar that you can use to slide between months. You can slide it right to go to the next month and slide it left to go back.

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