2022 Monthly Calendar Template Landscape

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  • January 3, 2022 Updated
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Do you struggle with computers? If so, that’s OK. We all have different strengths, and while some of us flow through a computer task with the grace and poise of a swan on water, others of us flow through a computer task with the grace and poise of a swan trying to use a computer.

Consider a common calendar. Often, I need to print out a blank calendar for a project so I can write in the events – no computer, just me and the paper. It helps me get the information down quickly to see if there are any scheduling conflicts.

On that calendar, I don’t need any federal holidays or typed events. Maybe you have a similar scenario, but also fall into the category of “struggle with computers.” If so, then even thinking about printing a blank calendar might feel like you’re a character in an epic show preparing for battle and all of the chaos, struggles, and possible casualties that come with it. (Take a deep breath, relax, and think “graceful” – I’ve included a Swan photo in case you need inspiration).

If you can relate, then this template is definitely for you.


Print it out and you’re done.

But, let’s not stop there.

If you have a desire to learn more or even if you’re an experienced computer user and need a calendar, keep reading. I’ll show you how to use this simple calendar design to enter graphics and text for a more visually appealing and fun calendar.

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape Swan


Quick Summary

This Landscape Calendar template is a free, printable, year-long, monthly calendar. The landscape design is proportioned to print on letter paper (landscape letter paper size is 11” x 8.5”). Weeks begin with Monday and the weekends are highlighted – making it a functional business style calendar too. Use it for hanging on a wall or storing in your horizontal project files. Or, if you print it on larger paper, you could use it as a desk calendar. (See the June Calendar image for a sample of the template.)

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape June

June Calendar

Template Contents

This free printable template has 12 worksheets – one for each month (January through December). The January Calendar image points out the Monday start day and the highlighted weekends – Saturday is light gray and Sunday is a darker gray color.

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape January

January Calendar

How to Use the Landscape Calendar

Setting up the Calendar

There is no setup needed for this calendar – it’s ready to print. Note that the cells are not designed for inputting text like in a typical Excel workbook (typing in the cells will override the date formatting). But, if you do want to add some graphics or even “text” (via text boxes), see Adding Graphics and Text in the Advanced section below.

Printing the Calendar

Each month (worksheet) can be printed individually (Select the worksheet at the bottom, then click on “File” in the menu, and choose “Print”; Pick your options and hit the “Print” button.)

To print the entire year – all 12 worksheets – in one print job, right-click on any worksheet tab and choose “Select All Sheets.” Then follow the steps above, and you can see that you’re now printing 12 pages instead of one.

Using the Calendar

Let me set up a scenario for a practical example of how to use calendars printed from this template. Because I have some gardening experience, I’m going to use the example of setting up a vegetable garden. But you can use my example to help organize just about anything with this calendar.

Gardening is an intensive hobby, and it’s easy to forget or overlook some of the things that need to happen. Creating a calendar can be the difference between having some vegetables on your table, and having enough vegetables to share with family, friends, and coworkers.

Unlike flower bulbs, which are planted in the fall, the best time to plant most vegetables is the early spring. So, I’ll print out March and April calendars. For our scenario, I’ve included only a few of the tasks needed for gardening and the recommended planting dates will vary based on your location (see The Old Farmer's Almanac website for general details on gardening and The Old Farmer’s Almanac: Planting Calendar for the best planting dates for your area.)

Here are the tasks and dates we’ll use to create our schedule (the planting tasks have a range of recommended dates, and we’ll indicate that range on the calendar with a continuous line):

  • Til the garden and add fertilizer (Mar 15)
  • Plant the vegetables
    • Beets (Outside: Apr 20-May 3)
    • Carrots (Outside: Mar 27-Apr 4)
    • Cucumbers (Inside: Apr 5-10; Transplant: May 15-18)
    • Potatoes (Outside: Apr 24-May 3)
    • Tomatoes (Inside: Mar 6-20; Transplant: May 8-18)
  • Weeding (Tuesday and Saturday)
  • Water schedule (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)

I’ve written these tasks on blank calendar print outs from this template (see the Planting Schedule image). The calendars might be a little confusing at first glance, so let’s zoom in on a specific day – May 1. Since Beets and Potatoes can both be planted on that day, we might decide to plant them on the same day. Plus, it’s also a watering day and it’s a good idea to water just after planting. The calendar gave us a visual that helps us efficiently plan those tasks and ultimately save time (we won’t have to get the tools out and clean them off on two separate days).

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape Planting Schedule

Planting Schedule


Adding Graphics and Text

The beauty of this template is that you can print a blank calendar of any month for manually writing events and schedule information. Then, using that visual aid, you can schedule tasks on specific days. Now, if you want to go further and “clean up” the calendar (or, have some fun with graphics), keep reading.

As I mentioned earlier, the date cells on this template are one large cell. Those cells are formatted with a custom number format that pulls out only the “day” of the entered text. For example, if you pick June 1 and look at the formula bar, you’ll see the following date: 6/1/2019. But, the cell only displays the “day” portion of that date (“1”) (see the Formula image). If you click on the cell and add text, it will overwrite the date (or, if you hit “Alt+Enter” and add text on a new line within that cell, the custom format will not understand and will replace the “1” with the whole string). So, we have to enter new content as an image or text box – which will act like another “layer” that sits on top of the calendar.

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape Formula


Let’s continue with the Gardening scenario and start customizing our calendar with text and graphics. We’re going to work with the “MAY” calendar. Take a closer look at the manually written calendars (Planting Schedule image), and you’ll see that “Weeds” and “Water” repeats often. Well, I don’t want to have to write this so many times again if I decide to print this calendar, so let’s find some graphics that can represent those tasks. A favorite site of mine to find free graphics is Pixabay. After searching, I was able to download a dandelion image for weeds and a well to represent watering.

Now, let’s open the “May” worksheet. Choose “Insert” from the menu bar, then “Picture” (in the “Illustration” category), next browse to your file, select it, and then click the “Insert” button (similar to inserting graphics into Microsoft Word, if you’ve ever used that application). Your inserted graphic will probably be too large, so you’ll need to resize it. Right-click on the image and choose “Size and Properties…” and the “Format Picture” window will open up. We want our small graphics to be a consistent height so make sure “Lock aspect ratio” and “Relative to original picture size” is checked and then change the height to .35” – see the Resize Graphics image. (You can also change the size by dragging on the resize handles, but it’s harder to make the graphics the same size.)

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape Resize Graphics

Resize Graphics

Now, follow the same steps for the “water” image and you should have two small images on your spreadsheet. But now we need to move them and, for our scenario, it will be easier if the image “snap” options are toggled on. Select an image, go to “Picture Format” in the menu bar, click on the “Align” drop-down menu, and then choose “Snap to Grid” (in Excel, the grid defaults to the columns and rows). Click on the “Align” drop-down menu one more time and choose “Snap to Shape.” Now you can move the “weed” graphic to the Saturday (May 4) and the “water” graphic to Wednesday (May 1). Copy and paste the images to the appropriate dates (see the Inserted Graphics image for a sample of the first two weeks).

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape Inserted Graphics

Inserted Graphics

Now let’s move to inserting text. First, we want to turn off the snap options that we turned on in the last section because it’s harder to move the text where you want it with them on (Select on of the weed or water images, then go to “Picture FormatAlign and toggle off both “Snap to Grid” and “Snap to Shape”).

Next, we want to insert some text to represent the vegetables that we’re planting. Go to the menu bar and choose the “Insert” tab (Note: Do not choose the “Insert” option under the “Home” tab – that option will insert cells, not text). Once you’re in the “Insert” menu bar item, you will see a “Text” drop-down menu list. Click on that list and select “Text Box” (see the Text Option image).

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape Text Option

Text Option

Once “Text Box” is selected, take your mouse and drag a square anywhere on your spreadsheet. Then start typing your text (i.e., Beets). Now we need to edit the properties of that text box. Right-click on the text box and choose “Format Shape.” Click on the “Size and Properties” tab and set the options indicated in the Resize Text image.

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape Resize Text

Resize Text

Now we need to move that text box into place. Click on the “Text Box” and move your mouse over the box until your pointer turns into the “move” pointer (arrows pointing in all four directions). Click and drag the text box until it covers May 1 - May 3.

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape Resize Text Box

Resize Text

Let's now create a “Potatoes” text box. Select the “Beets” box (you might still have it selected), hit Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V on the keyboard to copy and paste a new text box. Now edit the properties following the same steps for the “Beets” box, but this time we’re making a “Potatoes” text box. Following that process for the rest of the MAY calendar and it should look similar to the Planning Schedule with Graphics and Text Box image.

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape Planning Graphics

Planning Schedule with Graphics and Text Box

There you go. You now have a calendar with inserted graphics that represent the manual version. And to finish up with our garden scenario, who can resist those online cat pictures.

Monthly Calendar Template Landscape Cats


(But please don’t tell my cat that I’m really a dog person).

Enjoy the spreadsheet!

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