Event Calendar Template
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- January 3, 2022 Updated
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Before you purchase a calendar program, take a look at this free Excel event calendar template. It has some automated features that might be just what you need. Whether you want to create and publish a yearly schedule of events, create a printable content calendar, or simply plan your yearly activities using a visual timeline view, this calendar design has some automated features that are worth checking out.
Quick Summary
This template has a control/data page plus five monthly layouts. Each monthly layout has a different design, is on a separate worksheet, and is formatted with different colors.
Take a look at the Calendar Preview image for a glimpse into the template. On a single date specified, the “To Do” entries display a list of up to four items (they can also be goals, reminders, deadlines, or any categories you need). The “Holiday” entries display a red flag next to the date and the “Important Events” display a blue flag. A “Notes” section and past and previous calendars are on the bottom of the calendar.
The worksheet displayed in the Calendar Preview image is the first one (“Layout #1”). The other four layouts are described in the next section.
Template Contents
The “Todo-Holiday-Event” Worksheet
This worksheet is the Control and Data page. You enter information on a control page which includes: starting month, year, and events. The event categories are To Dos, Holidays, and Important Events. When you enter dates and events into these category lists, the information automatically populates to all five of the monthly worksheets.
To Do List Design
Notice that when you move to the other layouts, the format of the “To Do” list also changes.
Gray Design
Layout #2 (gray) left aligns the list similar to layout #1.
Peach Design
The peach color design (layout #3), removes the times but keeps the tasks left-aligned.
Green Design
Layout #4 (green) left aligns the text, right aligns the times, and shifts the date to the right side of the “date” square.
Blue Design
And, lastly, the blue layout (#5), formats the “To Do” list the same as in layout #3 and keeps the dates on the right as in layout #4. (The Todo List Layouts image, below, displays the different “To Do” list formats and the different colors of the calendar headings).
How To Use the Event Calendar Template
Setting up
The setup page is the first worksheet in the template and titled “Todo-Holiday-Event” (see the Calendar Setup and Event List image). Enter the “STARTING MONTH” with the drop-down list and the “YEAR” manually. Follow the pattern of the three lists to populate the events – the dates can be entered in mm/dd/yy format and will convert to the format displayed. Then select the calendar layout that you prefer. (Note: Only one “Holiday” or one “Important Event” can appear on the same day. In case of conflict, the “Important Event” overrides the “Holiday”).
Unless you enter all events for the year at one time, it’s easy for the entries to get out of chronological order. The order won’t affect how the events populate the calendars, but it will make the lists a little more challenging to view and manage. I’ve written a previous article with a section that explains how to sort a similar list, and it might be helpful to keep you organized.
“Layout #1,” the first worksheet, holds the month navigation buttons. In the upper left corner, the two-directional buttons will either move you to the previous month or the next one (see the Navigation image). Changing the month on this worksheet will also change the viewable month on all worksheets.
The print settings for this template default to landscape and A4 paper. The dimensions for A4 are 8.27” x 11.69” (compared to 8.5” x 11” for letter). If you don’t have A4 paper or your printer struggles with those dimensions, change the print settings to use “Letter.” Then make sure the scaling options are set to “Fit Sheet on One Page” and it should print fine. Due to the proportions, the bottom border will be a little larger (see the Print Comparison image below).
Now you should be able to set up and use this Monthly Event Calendar for your specific application.