Travel Request Form

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  • 5'612 Downloads
  • 24 KB File Size
  • January 4, 2022 Updated
  • 3 Number of comments
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In a medium to big scale company, there are Business Travel Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that need to be followed when you being sent to other cities or other countries to represent your company business. The SOP will start from the justification of business travel, business travel preparation and business travel report.

Usually, finance or GA department will ask you to fill business travel request form as a condition to issue the cash advance or allowance needed for the travel. And in some companies, there are already a rule about cash advance allocation which usually based on employee position.

There are plenty of travel request form available in internet from the complex one with many information needs to be filled until the simple one. And I made a simple travel request form, that can be used as one of your references.

There are two worksheets inside the spreadsheet, as follows :

Request Form Worksheet
This is a form that you can fill with your cash advance request. There is a budget column which linked with the company rules budget that can be used as your request reference. I put Group function on that cell, so you can hide or unhide the column by clicking the "-" (negative sign) or "+" (positive sign). And there are cells with blue colors that contain formula that will automatically calculate the total days of your business travel and the total amount of your request.

Travel Request Form

Company Rules Worksheet
If you have company rules that is used as company business travel reference, you use this worksheet to copy the rules. If you don't have company rules, you can start by filling the cells with reasonable budget.Company Rules

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