Household Budget

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  • 32'600 Downloads
  • 113 KB File Size
  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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This is a Household Budget template created for Excel. It gives you option to customize the template to meet your specific needs. It has monthly layout where you can plan your budget monthly within one year period and it is equipped with additional worksheets to manage your particular income and expenses categories.

Household Budget Template for Excel

The household budget I created here is basically another alternative for many household budget written in excel you can find in internet. The basic concept probably the same with many others but the approach is different. I divided the this household budget into three big parts, budget with regular repayments, budget with irregular repayments but needed monthly and budget as secondary needs or occasionally needed. I am using this approach based on my expenses where I have to pay all regular repayments first before spare some budget for others.

This file consists of four worksheets with explanation as follows :

Category Worksheet:
This is a worksheet where you can put your household budget category based on your common category. I already put samples there that you can change. You should start from Group Category, then to Category and the last is Subcategory.

Household Budget 1
Monthly Budget Worksheet:
This is a worksheet where you can put all your budget amount based on your category. As I already mention above, if you need a household budget with consideration of paying your regular repayments first, this spreadsheet could be the suitable one for you.

Household Budget 2
Daily Income and Expenses Worksheet:
Once you finished your budget, you can start filling your real income and expenses in this worksheet. You can periodically fill your income and expenses here and the excel formula will do the rest. Don't forget to select the correct category for your expenses or the formula won't work as expected.

Household Budget 3

Monthly Expenses Worksheet:

This is your monitor worksheet where you can see your monthly expenses based on your category and compare it with your budget plan. I put a group function on each month (you can see the (-) minus and (+) plus sign on top of the spreadsheet that you can click to hide or unhide the budget and variance columns. You can see in the first picture above.

If you want to give a try on this spreadsheet, you can download it here.

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