Event Budget

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  • 4'679 Downloads
  • 29 KB File Size
  • January 4, 2022 Updated
  • 3 Number of comments
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Last year, I have been asked to help my friend calculating a budget for his event, which is a small exhibition event. He prepared the proposal, I prepared all the calculation to justify that the event is profitable. The event was success. And my friend was very pleased with the result and give me a free airplane ticket to Hongkong. And here I would like to share my Event Budget template that you can use to simulate your budget for your own events. Numbers in this template are dummy numbers, so don't use it as your budget references.

Event Budget Template for Excel

I use the numbers to give you a rough figure about expenses you will spend and income you will get from your exhibition. With  this spreadsheet, you can evaluate whether your event is profitable or not.

Event Budget Expenses

There are four worksheets in this spreadsheet. Expenses and Income are separated. You can start by typing assumption numbers in assumption worksheet and start adding or modifying categories in each expenses and income worksheets. If you added more categories, please check the sum formula to make sure that all numbers are added in total. To check the balance between those numbers, you can go to Summary worksheet. You can expand the summary worksheet to get all the number you need for your proposal. Make sure that all item and numbers are related.

There are actual columns in those worksheets where you can put actual numbers after the events has finished.

You can download the file here.

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