Bill Payment Calendar
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- January 4, 2022 Updated
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I created this bill payment calendar based on my weekly calendar spreadsheet. There are some requests about making an automatic bill payment reminder that will be displayed automatically in the calendar based on its recurring dates or days. Usually people have to mark or type their bill due dates on their calendar manually. Or, if you are using my monthly calendar, say if you have to pay once a month, you have to type 12 dates in each columns in setting worksheet to make the calendar display the reminder dates each month.
Template Contents
- Bill Payment Organizer
- Advanced Bill Payment Planner (weekly and monthly versions, blank and with samples)
Bill Payment Organizer
So, using the same approach with that monthly calendar, I created this bill payment organizer that will allow you to organize your bill payments with additional recurring day and dates adjustment formula. But, I choose to create it in weekly calendar first due to limitation concerns. If your due dates which share the same dates are more than five bills, I think this calendar will be your solution. If you want to have the bill reminder for one full month, you can print it four times with four different week period.
This spreadsheet consist of two worksheets. The first worksheet is a bill payment data entry and holiday setup worksheet. In this worksheet, you can type all your bills and select or type its due dates. For example, you have Mastercard credit card that due every 2nd date each month, and then you have to type Mastercard name in Detail column, Credit Card in type column and minimum amount you usually pay. What if the amount is changing each month ? If this is the case, typing the date in fixed date column is a current solution. You can expand the use of this scheduler as a reminder of any bill payments. For example, day reminder of weekly allowance reminder, where you want to have the calendar display the reminder of giving your son weekly allowance every Monday.
Once you finished entering all of your bill payments or other reminders, you can go to the second worksheet to see how the calendar display your due dates in a week period plus the sum of your bills amount. First, you have to type the start date reference, where it will be used as the sliding bar reference. After that, you can slide right or slide left to customize the weekly period for your printing. There is a red color mark at the date title if the day is Sunday or if the day is a national holiday. You can add more holidays in the first worksheets or modify the holiday since these are US holidays.
There are maximum 20 bills that can be displayed at the same date using this bill payment calendar.
Advanced Bill Payment Planner
Due to plenty of requests about more advanced bill payment calendar where people can plan their payment as well as plan their cash flow within one fiscal year, I decided to fulfill it by creating the paid version of this spreadsheet. This new spreadsheet will allow you to enter more detail information about your payment item as well as arranged them automatically on particular dates or days. Once you completed typing all needed information, you can print the calendar filled with your payment plan and amount. There is a year calendar worksheet to see flow of you cash day by day. It should help you organizing your yearly plan better. You can your vacation or renovation time and needed amount some time within one year period and plan how much saving you will get by that time.
You can read more information about it in More Payment Planner worksheet in downloaded spreadsheet above. There are two models of this paid spreadsheet, Monthly and Weekly models. Below are screenshots of Monthly model.
There are 12 calendar worksheets from January to December you can print to remind you on payment plan that you have arranged.
You can use this worksheet to fill your income and expenses amount. If they are recurred, you only fill it once. The Excel formula will automatically put the amount in similar dates each month.
You can see performance of your cash flow quickly by seeing how your balance are colorized inside this calendar.
Weekly Model
Planner Input to enter your income/expenses data
- Year
- Initial Balance
- Recurring Dates with Exception date options for particular month
- Recurring Days with Exception day options for particular weeks
- Fixed date/day for particular item
- 10 lines of Income by Month Description
- 10 lines of Income by Week Description
- 90 lines of Expenses by Month Description
- 90 lines of Expenses by Week Description
- 53 weeks columns
Weekly Summary to print and remind you on upcoming income/payment
- See Income and Expenses arranged in particular day automatically in respective weeks
- One 5-weeks worksheet to see all income/expenses detail with customizable start of the week
- 30 lines of income/expenses detail per date/day
Year summary to map your cash flow within one year in Calendar view in Month and Week
- Set holiday and event dates
- Set particular cash flow values (balance) for marking dates
Monthly Model
Planner Input to enter your income/expenses data
- Year
- Initial Balance
- Recurring dates with exception date options for particular month
- Fixed date for particular item
- 10 lines of Income Description
- 90 lines of Expenses Description
- 12 months columns
Monthly Summary to print and remind you on upcoming income/payment
- See Income and Expenses arranged in particular day automatically in respective months
- 12 months worksheet to see all income/expenses detail
- 6 lines of income/expenses detail per date
Year Summary to map your cash flow within one year in Calendar view
- Set holiday and event dates
- Set particular cash flow values (balance) for marking dates
alison ( )
Hi i’m having trouble downloading and was wondering if you could please email me Bill Payment Calendar. It looks just like what I’ve been looking for… Thanks in advance!
jen ( )
you are my hero. i have been searching, and searching for spreadsheet/template that would work for me – this is amazing – thank you for sharing ????
Robbie ( )
This is a great workbook. I would love to modify it but is unable to do so, because the Schedule worksheet is locked. There is also an error in its calculation; when “Tuesday” is selected for a recurring day it does not show up under Tuesday, but instead shows up under Monday.
I also notice the same version of this file is available on other sites, with the same error and locked worksheet.
Can you assists?
Shanielle ( )
Is there a way to create a biweekly bill? For example I pay my mortgage ever other Friday.
Beth ( )
I love your bill payment organizer but I believe it would be more efficient if the weekly worksheet showed a month’s worth of weeks vertically instead of horizonally. Yes Im also one whos tried to modify the sheet until I realized your formulas are on a hidden worksheet. I understand you dont want anyone to change your templates so please consider creating another one just like the organizer but with the month’s weeks running verically.
Jane ( )
Thankyou for this bill payment calendar. Is there an easy way i can add a bill which is due on the same day each fortnight i.e. every alternate Friday?
Jane ( )
Thankyou for this calendar. Is there any way i can easily add bills which are due on same day but fortnightly instead of weekly? i.e. every alternate Friday?
Rose ( )
Love your bill payment calendar. I would love to modify it to go out a full 4 weeks instead of a week. You have a password on the schedule side. Is there a way you can remove your passcode or fix it to make it go out more weeks? I like to know what I have going out for the month.
thanks, My email address that I use for online is in the email address field. I really apprieate if you can help me on this. Thanks!
Brian Rooney ( )
Could you please tell me what the “Schedule”refers to in the formulas for your Bill Payment Clendar. I am trying to design a template for myself but am a bit confused by the recurring formulas. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Fantastic site by the way!!
leigh ( )
Hi there,
With the monthly calendar template how can i increase to-do holiday event input sheet so that more entries can be included? If i go past the 250 lines anything else comes up with REF error on the calendar.
Curtis ( )
Just want to know. do you have anything for sale reciept, such as for dry cleaning billing?
Tonya ( )
Dad this is the best web site and very easy for you to under excell spread sheets. I know you don’t think I know much but I love I.t. Stuff I could have done my school all on a comp like they do now a days for kids like me man I would have been a colage grad things are much different in school . It’s been some time but I did have to take a colage corse in comp. So try this excell spread sheet
sherry moore ( )
Where can I get the bill payment calendar?
Amanda ( )
I’m having trouble downloading this, what are my other options? Can I pay for a copy to be sent to me?
Tracey ( )
Where can I get this bill payment organizer and advanced bill payment calendar? Can someone email to me?
Will ( )
Does anyone know where to get the Advanced Bill Payment Calendar? I have looked everywhere but I cannot find any mention of it or how to get it. Thank you for the help.
Ashley A ( )
I would like to have it as well!!
Luis ( )
Hi, I downloaded this spreadsheet and it has been really helpful. Thanks! I was wondering if there is the possibility to add more rows on the income section on the monthly payment planner. If you have a solution for this please let me know.
Ashley ( )
The 2022 august is corrupt…. values are throwing errors… please fix ASAP!!!!
Ashley ( )
Thank you, I would like to purchase the Advanced Bill Payment Planner but I cannot find a link to do so….can you email the link to me.
Misty ( )
When I type in 1 payment for 1 month, it does not populate in that month?
What do we do if it is not a repeat bill?