Menstruation Calculator Pregnancy

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  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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This is a pregnancy calendar that should accompany your journey into motherhood. It will help you to find out your pregnancy week easily every time you want to know how many weeks that have been passed on certain date.

And it should help you plan your weekly activities until you delivered your baby. For example, you can plan your visit to your obstetrician where it could be once a month for the first 6-7 months, and it will be 2-4 times a week when entering 8th month. And you can plan a time when you and your husband go shopping together to prepare your needs and your newborn baby needs.

I am not an obstetrician, so I won't explain more about pregnancy. You can search and read from hundreds of references you can find in internet or bookstores. I was just creating this excel template based on experiences  my wife had. Since some of my friends found that this calendar is useful for them, I think it should be useful also for you who pregnant or have a pregnant wife. And for you who just plan to have a baby, probably you can use this calendar to plan and calculate the birth of your baby.

This is a two-year calendar where you can fully monitor your 9 month pregnancy within two year calendar period. To make this calendar works, you can follow several steps below:

  • Select 1st Calendar worksheet
  • Fill cell V5 with the beginning of your last menstrual cycle information
  • Fill cell V6 with the length of your menstrual cycle period information
  • Fill cell V7 with the length of your luteal phase period information. Filling this cell is optional, where it is already filled with a common luteal phase period (14 days).
  • Select your start day of the week for this calendar by selecting from Sunday-Monday drop down menu in cell K2.
  • After typing those information, you will see that the first calendar will be generated with the same year with your last menstrual cycle year. You will see the red marker in the calendar as your last menstrual cycle (W0), the first green marker as your conception prediction date(W2), the pink markers as your pregnancy weekly reference(W1,2,3-39,41-42), and the last green marker (W40) as your expected date of delivery, which based on statistic, it is very rare that the prediction date is punctual.
  • There are blank notes at the left and right side of the calendar. It consists of two columns without border line between those columns. the left column (column B and V) are places where you can type your important dates on corresponding month next to the notes. The second column (column C and W) are places where you can type the important information for those dates. Blue markers will be revealed after you typing those dates.
  • At the bottom of each calendar, there is a pregnancy summary information that you can fill with your own information

After finishing filling your information, you can print it and stick it in your wall or put it as your book insertion. If there is a new information you would like to add, you can manually write and mark new important dates directly in the calendar. Please use this pregnancy calendar as your side reference only. Always refer to your doctor for more accurate information on your pregnancy.

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