Blood Sugar Level Tracker

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  • January 4, 2022 Updated
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Diabetes Blood Sugar Level Tracker is an Excel spreadsheet to track your glucose level regularly during your medication or diet period. For people that are already dealing with diabetes, this spreadsheet should be useful to find suitable eating pattern to maintain or even lowering their glucose level. I find it important because I have diabetes and I need to control it without taking any medicines since I don't want to depend on it all the time.

Diabetes Blood Sugar Level Chart

From what I have learned, you can control what you eat and drink to maintain your blood glucose level to acceptable numbers. Also, Carbohydrates contribute significantly more to glucose level after eating than fat and protein content of a meal. Checking glucose level regularly can help you figure out the best balance of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Also, doing light sports should help as well. Fortunately, I am a sport lover, I play tennis, golf, soccer and badminton regularly. And I do swimming and running. The issue was, I didn't control what I ate and drank. My sport activities has prevent my diabetes did any damages to my body, but it could in the long run. That's why my doctor advise me to start controlling what I ate or that diabetes will beat me and I need to consume particular medicines at the end.

Then, starting from two months ago, I tried to control what I ate and drank. I read articles about carbs diet or ketogenic diet where it could lower your body weight without sacrificing your health (notes: still many pros and cons there). But, I am not aiming to lower my body weight, I am more interested in lowering carbs consumption to maintain my blood glucose level.

That's why I created this spreadsheet.

I started to write what I ate and drink every day and did glucose level checking using blood glucose tester device that you can find in any drugstores/pharmacies easily.

I ate no carbs every morning (just eggs, beef/chicken slices, fruits) and drank green tea or coffee without sugar. Check my glucose level 2 hours after eating. You need that to measure  your "Postprandial glucose (PPG) levels — meaning ‘sugar after the meal’ — give you more important information about how the body is able to manage glucose after a meal. Basically, it informs us if the blood glucose has returned to normal after the meal intake.

Recommended targets for blood sugar level from American Diabetes Association (ADA) is less than 180 mg/dL and from American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) is less than 140 mg/dL.

For lunch and dinner, I didn't limit myself from any food or drink except it must not have any carbs and sugar. Then, every morning, or after fasting for at least 8 hours, I took another blood testing again. It is called FPG or Pre Prandial.FPG stands for “fasting blood glucose”. This is your blood sugar level when you have not eaten for 8 hours. You may measure and record your FPG in the morning or when you wake up.

Recommended targets from ADA is between 80 to 130 mg/dL and from AACE is less <110 mg/dL

I did it in the first few weeks to see how minimizing carbs and sugar consumption can lower my glucose level. I made some eating and eating variation as well. Sometimes, I ate carbs and sweet foods. Also, I took a medicine after eating to see if there is any differences. I still did some exercises. After those a few week period, I didn't take any medicines at all and start to rely heavily on some foods until I knew how my body reacted to that new eating and drinking behavior.

It could be different from one person to another. You need to find your own pattern to know how to control your blood glucose level and avoid eating medicines. Remember, before doing this diet, you need to consult to your doctor, because it may not fit with your current health and conditions.

How to Use Diabetes Blood Sugar Level Tracker Spreadsheet

To use this spreadsheet is simple. Prepare your blood glucose tester and start to eat without carbohydrates and sugar within your menu. Set your own monitoring period goal. There is no limitation in typing dates but its respective chart is prepared to visualize for 60 days only. Type dates in date column, time in time column, category in category column and its description. Put quantity and its unit. Important part in this spreadsheet is Carbohydrates and Sugar amount in food and drink that you eat. You can read that in its ingredient sticker or find it in internet. Then, type your blood glucose level checking result on put its category (Pre or Post Prandial). You can modify its maximum Pre and Post Prandial numbers in Setup worksheet to other goal numbers.

Diabetes Tracker Log Template

In Chart worksheet you can see visualization of your data and see correlation between your daily activity and glucose level. You can see which food or exercise that affect much on your glucose level. Also, you can check whether drink medicine affect your glucose level situation. Yellow and orange bars show you carbohydrates and sugar consumption while red and blue lines show you blood glucose level. In the beginning you should see your sugar level will be down if you consume less carbs and sugar (assumed that your body still can process it slowly). Blue bar will be shown if you take some medicines.

After several weeks, you might have your own conclusion. And remember to check your A1C level. You need to go to the labs to check it. If you can control it well, your A1C level should decrease.

This blood sugar level tracker spreadsheet is free. You can modify or customize it. I hope you can manage your diabetes successfully.

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