Baby Growth Tracker Weight Height
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- January 4, 2022 Updated
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It has been a long time ago since I put big attention on my baby's growth. Questions like is my baby growth normally or how is my baby growth compared to others always crossed my mind. Based on parent's experiences, this kind of worries are shown up when they have baby for the first time. And when they got their second child, they won't be as worried as before. The most popular tool or references used by many parents to monitor the growth of their children is the baby growth chart where the chart will tell any parents the position of their children growth compare with normal children. There is a short information about those things I read in site.
The first time I had a baby, I didn't use excel as a tool to monitor and track my baby's growth. I just used a weight and height chart written in pdf and find the position of my baby in those charts. But, this time, I think to make a tool in excel will be more useful for new parents so they can record their babies growth and put it in chart precisely. This thought came up because a friend of mine asking me whether I can make a growth chart for his baby. So, I made it for him.
His baby is a boy, so I made a boy growth chart first. I then made a chart for both boy and girl babies.
USA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website is where I took the reference growth data for this spreadsheet. The website also provide complete information regarding growth charts. Because of the data is based on USA data, basically this is a USA baby growth chart. But, you still can use it even though your baby is not American because the growth trends is general.
This excel spreadsheet is consist of three worksheets with description as follows :
- one baby information worksheet, worksheet where you have to input your baby birth information and also as a record data sheet for his weight and height until his age reach 3 years old,
- one height chart, a worksheet where you can see the progress of your baby's height, compared to other babies, and
- one weight chart, a worksheet where you can see the progress of your baby's weight, compared to other babies
In baby's information worksheet, you have to input :
- Your baby's name
- Your baby's birth date
- Your baby's birth weight (in kg), there is a weight converter box that you can use to convert your baby's weight from pounds to kilogram if your baby's weight data is not in kilogram
- Your baby's birth height (in cm), there is a height converter bos that you can use to convert your baby's height from inch to centimeter if your baby's height data is not in centimeter.
After inputing your baby's birth information, you can start tracking your baby's growth by periodically filling the weight and the height of your baby at your targeted date in blank light green column. I put some samples there for your guidance, you can erase it to start tracking yours. The data you input will give you direct result on percentile information in the column next to weight and height column and also will trigger the chart in other sheets to draw your baby's growth line.
Before erasing those samples, you can switch the worksheet into height and weight chart worksheet. You can see the bold black line with your baby's name as its legend that will change based on your data input. You can see the sample picture below. You can print it, or you can also change the layout and the look of this chart using excel chart menu.
If you still need more information regarding this spreadsheet, just leave me a comments.
Vivian ( )
Hi, thank you so much for taking the time to make this tool! I was just wondering if you’ve made one (or found one)that includes data after 36 months?
Breland Frith ( )
What a wonderful tool. I want to make one with the head circumference and for special needs children. Would you offer some advise. I am an ameture with excel.
Thank you.
Brian ( )
This is a great tool…much butter than trying to spot a location on some infinitesimally small table. Thanks.
Jennifer M ( )
Thank you for the chart! I am keeping track of my grandsons growth and this will be a great help! Thanks!
Robin ( )
Really love the spreadsheet. I started tinkering with my own before I decided I could probably save time by searching the web and found yours. Very awesome and thank you!
Michaela ( )
Such a great tool. Just what I needed. Is there any way I can change the line plot to a scatter plot in the height chart. Since I didn’t measure my baby’s height as regularly as its weight, the line plot shows considerable kinks.
I would like to modify the template a bit as to add the data of my second child to the growth charts. Thanks!
Ramiro ( )
Many thanks for it. This is great job.
Can you give me authorizathion for translate it to spanish version?
Decebal ( )
Many Thanks! This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Great job, well done!
Hi, it’s a wonderful tool. I just wanted to know if there is a similar tool to track growth of 3-9 yr olds.
Osama ( )
Very nice work but the calculations are not accurate, no one can depend on it.
Bas ( )
Finally found someone who can replicate the growth charts my doctor has. I’m working on trend graphs for a group of parents with kids with rare chromosome disorders. I’ve tried to build my own using WHO source data but, being an Excel null, I don’t get the smooth curves. Can I please have your raw excel to figure out how you’ve programmed this? then I can tune it with WHO international source date.
Thanks enormously.
Suhaida sarif ( )
Love it! i can put it into my hp @ update it each time i pay a visit to my gynea…. very much thanks!
Shamila ( )
I think this is great… my daughter is suffering from a disease and I need to track her weight weekly and would like to adjust some of the details to suit our needs
firefly ( )
Many thanks – this is a wonderful tool. Our son has a genetic condition which means that some of the values need to be altered slightly – I’d love to just change some of the values on your spreadsheet.
Quan Nguyen ( )
That’s great and thanks a lot. By the way, could you please make another spreadsheet for head circumference.
Thanks so much and waiting for your response.
Bill and Meow ( )
Great job! We have twins and would like to modify the sheet so the Converter box is 8 columns further right [or gone as we are in metric anyway] and then copy and paste in the 1st 8 columns in the opened space. The 1st set would be for our son and the 2nd set for our daughter. Results would then need to post to individual tracking graphs. I’ve unprotected the sheet and think I can make it work if you could give me a little guidance: where do I find the ‘reporting’ cells reference that goes to the height or weight tracking graphs? I think then all I would need to do is re-label those cells to report to HT1 WT1 and HT2 WT2.
Yours was the 1st template I came across when doing a search [good SEO!] I looked at 4-5 others but none came close. Thanks again
SB ( )
thanks for a great tool…was looking for this for my son
François Boucher ( )
Very nice tool, Agams! As a pediatrician, I find it very useful.
In fact, I am trying to integrate the functions of this spreadsheet into another one that I use. I understand the basics of your spreadsheet, but I can’t figure out a few things… Aren’t there any macros? Are you willing to help me please?
Thank you very much in any case for this marvelous tool!
Keno ( )
Conversely, if anyone has already converted the spreadsheet to pounds and inches or already converted it, I’d appreciate a blank copy.
Paul Wright ( )
This is really great, but being based in the UK, where we use the World Health Organisation (WHO) weight/growth charts it’s only half as great as it could be. Could you post a WHO version or allow someone else to modify the weight/growth data.
Many thanks,
Ted ( )
My 2 year old son has fallen off of the growth chart in terms of weight and I’m trying to write an appeal to the insurance company as they will not cover the nutritional suplements that were recommended by his doctor. I want to include the chart in my presentation/appeal in order make the case for insurance coverage as the supplements total almost $200 per month. Of course, I am and will continue to provide my son with the supplements regardless of the cost. However, I would like to make some material changes to the spreadsheet for the purpose of making my case, change the unit of measurement, customize the chart a bit and generally polish it up to fit into a PDF’d PowerPoint presentation. Can I please have the password so that I can make these minor changes. I will not claim authorship of the spreadsheet and will make appropriate acknowledgements to the orignal source and cite my own changes to the document. Please reply to my email above. Thank-you for your time.
Freddy Hendradjaja ( )
Thank you very much for this baby growth chart. we are trying to find child growth chart issued by World Health Organization. Are your data using the WHO or other source?
Our son, Radi, 4 months old, lags behind his supposedly weight curve, using WHO child growth standard.
Can we use your chart or can we modify it? do you know where to get the data for WHO child growth standard? we only got the .pdf file but not the data to create the graph.
Thanks very much.
Umpa ( )
Thank you very much!! it is exactly what I am looking for!
We just got our first son a month ago, and now I can keep track of his development!! Thank you very much ????
Ülkü ( )
Thank you very much this is exactly what I wanted for my little girl!
Elisa Greene ( )
I accidentally left out some dates and then wanted to insert them later but could not. I tried to cut and paste but the Excel worksheet is password protected. Would you please share the password with us? Thanks so much for this!
Ash ( )
This is an excellent one!! Thank you. The percentiles are not getting populated in row 5 onwards. Can I have the password please to copy the formula from the previous row.
Lisa ( )
I am thrilled to find this spreadsheet. I saw some other comments about changing the chart to lbs and ounces. How can I do that? And how can I get the percentages to not round up or down? Thanks
Concerned Mommy ( )
Thank you so much for this spreadsheet! I was searching for something that would allow me to keep track of growth. Wonderful tool!
Teebo ( )
Great tool, really useful have been searching everywhere for such a template as with the little one doing this from scratch as you know takes time. Would you please be kind enough to send me the password for the boys and girl version – I would like to add in head circumferance and as some of your other posters convert everything to pounds and ounces.
Many thanks again
Ann ( )
I was looking for something just like this-it’s great! The only issue I have is that it’s in kg and cm as opposed to pounds and inches. I know you have the conversion calculator attached but, when looking at the graphs themselves over time, I can’t convert in my head-it would be great if you could make this excel program in pounds/inches. Please?
adithi ( )
i wanted to know the actual weight and highet during the period of 2 YEARS OLD BABY
Courtney ( )
I LOVE this and I actually have another one that a doctor made that also includes the head circumference on it as well as for both girls and boys.
I am looking for one though that has the weight for length on it. I really need this feature!
Thomas ( )
Hi all, here we go … it seemed to be a “printer driver error” in my case – believe it or not! The link, which helped me was: — hope it might solve also your issue!
Cheers, and (I forgot this initially): THANK YOU FOR THIS TOOL! It really helps – we need to keep track of our boy in order to control a proper gain in weight.
Siri ( )
Thanks for sharing, this was a great tool, and I’m the happy Mom of a 90 percentile child ;-). I’ve been looking for a tool like this, and find it very strange that the many baby sites don’t have it allready.
Only one problem – I share the same trouble as mentioned by Thomas. I can’t see the graph tabs – only the first tab is available.
Thanks again
Andre ( )
Awesome tool! This is almost exactly what I was looking for – one drawback is the rounding of the precentile, our baby girl is steadily making progress from the 10th to 25th, she is now at the 22nd, but all that is displayed is that she is at the 10th. The only way I know that she is making progress is by entering the date in the refernce box.
Couple of suggestions:
1. Display exact precentile for each row input
2. Provide an overlay of the babys’ progress over the actual growth charts
you know if you convert this to a iphone app you could make a few buck too… ????
Thanks again…
Kristin ( )
I love the spreadsheet, thank you! One request though would be to have the exact percentile rather than rounding it to 5, 10, 25, etc. It’s a little deceiving when 9th is rounded to 5th. or 24th to 10th. As others have requested, if I could have the password I could try to alter this myself. Thanks so much.
Jenny Moyle ( )
I think this is really great. I have been trying to create the same thing but found the excel programming too difficult. WELL DONE!
Will you be doing something similar for the other age groups (ie 2 – 18 year old). I personally would find this helpful as I still check my kids growth every 6 months.
Harry Monroe ( )
Just one question, do you think it’s important to pay for a good brand name monitor or will a cheap one do the same job?
R. Musadya ( )
@AQ : Female version is available now
Balihu ( )
Will be useful for kid
Sousa ( )
It’a a great tool. Very usefull.