Automate Sending Emails From Excel

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  • 225 KB File Size
  • January 3, 2022 Updated
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Dealing with lots of emails? Get this free rapid email tool to save you time.

Quickly create email templates in Excel to send them to groups of people. It is so simple to use.

How to create emails in Excel?

Step 1. Download and open this template

Step 2. Add attachments (if required)

  • Click Email tab > add attachment

Rapid Group Emails Add Attachments

  • Select file to add as an attachment then click open.

Rapid Group Emails Select File

Note: If you need to delete an attachment, simply delete its corresponding filename and path text in the [email attachment table].

Step 3. Complete template email table

  • Fill out [To, BCC, CC, Email Subject, Email Body] columns. How you fill these out depends on how you intend to send the emails, therefore it is recommended to read step 4 before completing this step.

Rapid Group Emails Complete Template

Step 4. Create Email

You have the following four options to create emails

Rapid Group Emails Options

  1. Creates a draft group email and displays this for you to edit or send.   Please see group email notes below to understand how this email is configured.
  2. Creates and immediately send a group email. Please see group email notes below to understand how this email is configured.
  3. Creates draft emails for every row with a [To] email address in the [Email Template Table]. Each email drafted is displayed on your screen so may not be desirable to draft too many individual emails. Please see individual email notes below to understand how these emails are configured.
  4. Creates and sends emails for every row with a [To] email address in the [Email Template Table]. Please see individual email notes below to understand how these emails are configured.

What are group emails?

  • Group email option creates a single email to all [To, CC, BCC].
  • Only uses the top row [Email Subject] and [Email Body] of the email template table only.
  • Email includes all attachments in the [Email attachment table]

Example of draft group email

Rapid Group Emails Draft Group Example

What are individual emails?

  • Individual email option creates separate emails for every single row that contains a [To] email address. Email details are taken from each row.
  • Each email includes all attachments in the [Email attachment table]

Example of draft individual emails

Rapid Group Emails Draft Individual Example

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