Meeting Attendance Sheet

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  • 13 KB File Size
  • January 3, 2022 Updated
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While no one wants to spend their days in meeting after meeting - and while too many meetings can yield diminishing returns - they are a necessary part of business. They allow everyone to get on the same page, to brainstorm solutions, to share ideas, and to ultimately achieve success. One key to a thriving business is participation in meetings. By recording attendance, team members often feel a heightened sense of encouragement to not only show up, but also participate!

To help track meeting attendance, we offer a Meeting Attendance Template with two different attendance worksheets.

Template Contents

Below is a list of worksheets included in this template.

5 Columns

A 5-column meeting attendance sheet. This worksheet includes:

  • Number
  • Attendee Name
  • Position
  • Department/Company
  • Signature

6 Columns

A 6-column meeting attendance sheet. This worksheet includes:

  • Number
  • Attendee Name
  • Organization
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Signature

Using the Template

General Use

Each attendance worksheet includes the following fields at the top the page:

  • Meeting Topic
  • Organizer
  • Location
  • Date
  • Time

Populate these fields at the beginning of each meeting, as shown in the example below.

Meeting Attendance Sheet Header

Note: If there are other fields that would be helpful for the meeting, add then under the existing fields, or overwrite the existing fields that are not applicable to your meeting. If you require many new fields in addition to those already included, insert new rows to create more space.

Next, select the attendance worksheet that best fits your needs as meeting organizer. List and number the meeting attendees. The attendees can sign off on the form to confirm their attendance.

Meeting Attendance Sheet Attendees

Tip: You can also change the gray and white attendance sheet color scheme by modifying the background and/or text colors. A tutorial on modifying color schemes can be found here.

Column headings are not written in stone. Modify the column headings to tailor the attendance worksheet to your preferences. In the example below, we replaced “Position” with “Role” by overwriting the original column header.

Meeting Attendance Sheet Role

Expand Attendance Sheet

The attendance forms offered provide space for about 23 attendees. If you are hosting a big meeting, with a large number of attendees, you can expand your attendance sheet to fit more people. To create more rows for attendees, copy (Ctrl + C) the last row and “Insert Copied Cells” to retain the original formatting.

Tip: Column headings will disappear as you scroll down toward additional records. Use the “Freeze Panes” option to retain column headings. A tutorial on how to freeze panes can be found here.

Can’t decide which of the two attendance worksheets to use? No problem. You can combine column categories from both worksheets into one! Simply insert additional columns into either worksheet and enter the remaining column headings.

To view a how-to example, see this screen recording.

Meeting Attendance Sheet Insert Column

New Sheets and Historical Records

If you are hosting multiple meetings, you may want to create multiple attendance sheets to keep organized in one file. To create multiple attendance sheets, duplicate the original attendance sheet each time you host a new meeting. Delete any information that you don’t want to carry over to a new sheet and start the process all over again by listing attendees.

A tutorial on duplicating worksheets can be found here.

Tip: If you are hosting multiple meetings per week, create a new worksheet for each week. All weekly meetings can be organized in a single worksheet. To track multiple meetings in one worksheet, go to the “Page Layout” view and copy the attendance form to another page within the same worksheet, as shown below.

Meeting Attendance Sheet Add Data

Meeting Attendance Sheet New Worksheet

No matter which approach you choose, you are building an historical database of meeting attendance records.

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